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Insight E-Books by Owen Waters are filled with clear
definitions of profound yet simple spiritual truths.

The Twelve Graces
Just released: The Twelve Graces are a set of support energies provided to make your path through life joyful and successful in your quest to become closer to the Divine. No matter what challenges the outer world may appear to bring, spiritual strength will flow forth every time you tune into these gifts from God, the Twelve Graces.

The New Enlightenment
A long-awaited quantum leap in human consciousness has arrived. It brings complete abundance into all aspects of your life, whether you seek financial abundance, better friendships, good health, enlightening spiritual growth, or all of the above. Spiritual seekers find the new mindset especially helpful as actively engaging in it can be ten times more effective in gaining enlightenment than passive meditation practices!

Soul Inspiration
Unleash your true potential: Dissolve difficulties, create a better life, and firmly connect with the deep sense of inner joy which is your birthright.

Ascension to a Higher World
We are here today to witness the manifestation of a long-prophesied ascension. This change will be sudden and it will see the creation of conditions which will manifest heaven on earth. Discover how this will happen and what it means to you!

Spiritual Metaphysics
Owen Waters' magnum opus, a masterwork that is the cumulative result of a lifetime of metaphysical discoveries... since 1963! It is a source of understanding and illumination filled with insights upon which you can reflect at leisure, each one bringing you closer to mastery of life upon earth. Discover for yourself the answers to the great mysteries of life!

Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment
and Freedom of the Spirit

Spiritual enlightenment and freedom of the spirit can be attained in four progressive and powerful, yet simple, steps. The FREEdom technique achieves this by combining today's most proven and time-tested spiritual practices into one powerful and effective package.

Discover Your Purpose In Life
Just imagine what it will be like to wake up every morning and know that you hold the key to the very reason for life itself. Not just to your own purpose, but the master key to the very reason for the existence of the universe! When you gain this profound depth of understanding, imagine the sense of purpose and destiny that will be yours each and every day! Discover your own unique purpose in life now. See how it fits in perfectly with the natural flow of the universe and even with the original reason for life itself. Your journey of discovery is waiting.

Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise
In a world filled with intense conflict, can you really rise above it all? Can you really find peace and joy above the noise and clatter of politics, steaming resentment, and even hatred that circulates today? The answer is yes, definitely... if you know how. This book will provide you with that exact information. Step into a powerful new realm of freedom and joy, one in which you see real, transformational magic happen in your life and in your surroundings.

The Lightworker Mission: Reconnect With Your Primary Purpose
This is the perfect time to be a conscious lightworker, to be one who becomes aware of their higher purpose. If you were unsure of how to best progress in this manner, let this book be your guide to discovering your own unique potential in your contribution to today's exciting journey of human transformation. Discover the real reason you came to earth as a lightworker, how to enhance the flow of your inner knowingness, how to recharge your entire being with vital life energy and much more.

Spirituality Made Simple
Gaining spiritual consciousness is now easier than ever with the three simple steps revealed in this deeply insightful book. Through them, you can contact the higher states of inspiration, wisdom and creativity that exist within your true, inner being.

Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality
The hallmarks of the New Spirituality are love, light, and laughter. They are the stages of spiritual consciousness which are the seeds of a greater awareness, a greater love, and a greater understanding for all of the people upon the Earth.

The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness
The Shift to the New Reality is the spiritual and creative awakening of humanity. It is real. It is happening today. It is unstoppable.


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