The No BS Spiritual Book Club Interview:
From Chaos to Creative Abundance [55:04]

SOLVED! The mystery of WHY the universe was created. Also reveals how the term “The Shift” originated, delves into mysteries like how timelines gather together for historically important events and how you can not only change your future, but also your past!
Lightworkers: The Shift to Enlightenment [6:08]

The Shift to higher consciousness has been accelerating in recent years to the point where, today, we have made a quantum leap in awakening and entered a new Era of Enlightenment.
Ascension to 5D: The Higher Dimensions Defined [10:10]

Discover all the higher dimensions or density layers of existence from the Creation-level down. By exploring the nine density layers of the universe you can better appreciate your potential to rise into realms of greater joy now… and especially in the exciting years ahead as your higher abilities expand enormously.
The Cosmic Truth Summit Interview:
Discover Your Soul-Inspired Purpose [34:32]

Three powerful and effective methods to recall and stay on track with your personal soul-based purpose in life.
Life After the Ascension [37:31]

Know when the global ascension day is coming and understand how your higher abilities of telepathy, clear vision, and past life recall are about to rapidly unfold.