Category Archives: Spiritual Metaphysics

The Infinite Being Meditation

by Owen Waters

Peace can sometimes be so far away, and inner bliss… even farther away.

Take the time now to spend some real quality time by going within. Find that sense of peace that lies within. Visit the place where inner bliss dwells and waits patiently for your return.

Let yourself unwind and compose yourself for a few precious moments of peace. Remember that your mind is much more far-reaching than your physical brain. Your mind, as consciousness, is nonphysical, while your brain is just the physical translator of your consciousness.

Your mind, therefore, always has the ability to tell your brain;

“Shsh! It’s meditation time!”

Focus your mind away from the clutter of day-to-day living and turn your attention inwards to the peaceful core of your inner being. Then think of the deepest possible state of consciousness.

And what could that state be?

It is the state of consciousness known as Infinite Being. The word Infinite reflects the idea of unlimited potential, while the word Being refers to a state of awareness, rather than a doing activity. Infinite Being is infinite consciousness without a focus upon any specific activity.

Infinite Being doesn’t have to do anything, it already is everything.

It is important to appreciate that the state of Infinite Being is not “out there” somewhere external to us. Infinite Being encompasses all consciousness, including all manifestation. We are that consciousness, as is everything else in existence. You attune with Infinite Being by turning your focus within, away from the distracting noise of the outer world. 

The Most Powerful Affirmation

In meditation practices, affirmations are often used to focus the mind. By simply repeating the words, “I AM,” you affirm your true nature as consciousness. In the case of the Infinite Being meditation, we affirm our innermost identity as the ultimate, infinite consciousness.

The affirmation “I AM… Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The phrase “I am Infinite Being” in itself is an affirmation of your oneness with the ultimate potential, the source of all life, the consciousness from which all life comes forth. You are one with that universal consciousness which is within everything in manifestation. This divine presence is often referred to as the “I AM” Presence. By modifying the phrase to, “I AM (pause) Infinite Being”, you are doubly stating the name of the divine, first as the “I AM” Presence and second as “Infinite Being”.

You can use this to consciously affirm your ultimate potential. If you find issues arising, such as a feeling of unworthiness in your alignment with the ‘All That Is,’ with Infinite Being, just let those thoughts go, then gently bring your mind back into focus upon the affirmation. You do not have to justify the words, or settle any internal argument about them, just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said you “should” think in this life. Think independently, think infinitely, and you will connect with the consciousness of your ultimate potential.

Have the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let any issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you make this affirmation, you become more connected to Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts are then healed within the light of greater truth. You can use “I AM… Infinite Being” for meditation or even during a brief quiet time to restore balance from daily stress. When you do, be sure to maintain an awareness of its deep meaning, as mindless repetition of any affirmation will create little or no result. 

Find a quiet place to sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and start looking for the quiet space within. To keep your brain occupied with the task at hand, focus your attention on the slow, even flow of your breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.

As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation “I AM… Infinite Being.”

On the out-breath, simply allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, allow each out-breath to take longer than each in-breath. After the out-breath, pause for a brief moment before the next in-breath.

Life energy, also known as etheric energy, is conditioned primarily within the human spinal column. From there it is distributed to the rest of the body via the subtle nervous system. Most key functions in the human body owe their operation primarily to the supply of etheric life energy, rather than to the supply of electrical energy. Etheric energy, like consciousness, is non-physical and yet it is behind all life.

To help enhance the natural flow of life energy within your spine while performing this meditation it is preferable to sit upright in an erect chair. As you progress with this meditation, the natural flow of life energy within your spine will become enhanced, bringing an enlivened awareness to your consciousness.

When distracting thoughts arise – which they will – treat them with patience and understanding. Put each distracting thought aside so that you can continue with the Infinite Being meditation. If a thought seems important or urgent, then it will be sure to return later, after your meditation session has finished.

There are a number of ways to enhance your meditation experience. One is to reserve a small space, such as the corner of a quiet room, where only meditation is conducted. That space then becomes more conducive to a meditation environment. A small table or surface can be covered with items that you connect with spiritual practice. Candles and incense are especially useful as they provide some initial focus for the senses.

It also helps to always use the same chair, one that is constructed primarily of a non-metallic material. Metal chairs attract etheric life energy away from you, which is great for the chair, but not so good for the meditation session.

A clock or timer completes your setting, and clean, light clothing, reserved especially for meditation, further enhances the atmosphere. A shower or bath before meditation is very valuable, as water is a powerful cleanser. If, for example, you have just come home from a hectic day at work, then your energy body will be filled with the distractions of the day, stored in etheric energy form.

The water that cleanses you in a shower or bath not only cleanses you of physical impurities, but, more importantly, it also cleanses the etheric energy impurities that do not belong in your energy body.

The reason that water is such an effective energy cleanser lies in its chemical composition. Water consists of H2O – hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is not just a chemical that the body needs. Its greater role is to carry life-giving, etheric energy. When you shower, your etheric body is being washed with the water’s flow of cleansing, etheric energy.

Make Spirituality Your Number One Priority

The best investment of your time each day is to spend 20 minutes in meditation. Make the time for this to happen. Make it the day’s first priority. The easiest habit to adopt is one which makes up the first activity of the day. Making it a routine will also reinforce the effects of the meditation.

If you are hungry to the point of distraction before a meditation session, then have some light refreshment, such as fruit or juice. Conversely, a full stomach after a heavy meal will have a deadening effect upon the higher possibilities of your meditation session, so plan to eat any large meals at least two hours ahead.

The Aims of the Infinite Being Meditation

  • To quiet your daily brain activity by focusing on rhythmic activities that induce a spiritual focus.
  • To affirm your connection to the highest possible state of awareness.
  • To charge your system with additional life energy through controlled breathing.
  • To create a Being space, where your consciousness can move easily into the experience of your inner state of being.

The Complete Infinite Being Meditation Technique

  1. Take a few moments to completely relax your physical body. Sit in an upright chair with your eyes closed, then clench your feet, toes and leg muscles. Release the tension and let your feet and legs relax completely. Do the same clench-and-release process for your stomach, chest and back; then your arms and hands; then your neck and face.
  2. In preparation, take three deep breaths and exhale each one completely.
  3. Now focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.
  4. As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation,
    “I AM… Infinite Being.”
  5. On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath to allow it to take longer than each in-breath.
  6. To make a space for your consciousness to dip into the experience of being, pause at the end of the out-breath. Hold the breath out of your body until you feel the need to inhale again. This will typically be for around three seconds, sometimes less. When you are in this motionless quiet space, don’t think, just be. Subtle impressions may arise from your inner self in this Being Space. The end of each breathing cycle is your personal communion space with your inner being. Ignore surface mental noise – words and feelings that jump into your attention – and maintain your focus upon the quiet inner space and subtle impressions of higher consciousness. Nothing loud comes from your inner being. Focus your awareness upon your inner silence. With practice, this is a time when great insights and inspiration quietly dawn upon your awareness.
  7. Repeat this cycle of breathing and being for 20 minutes.


The affirmation “I AM… Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

An effective meditation technique opens the door to more inspiration, love and creativity into your life.

Happy surfing upon the realms of spiritual awareness!

*For many new and enlightening insights, see Owen Waters’ book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.

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The Ultimate Consciousness-Raising Affirmations

by Owen Waters

Affirmations are a great way to improve your life. Little by little, day by day, the cumulative effect of regular affirmations builds into great and impressive change for the better.

Similar to affirmations, many yoga practitioners use Sanskrit mantras as repetitive statements. The most simple and, therefore, powerful one is “Om” (pronounced as in the word “from” but with a long, resonant “m”). In English, it means “I am” and is a statement identifying the physical mind with the divine presence, which is often referred to as the “I AM” Presence. This acts as a powerful magnet for the Light of God, raising the frequency of consciousness to a more sacred level. That all-present divine awareness can also be appropriately termed in English, “Infinite Being.”

If you research the mantra “Om”, you will come across much confusion about its meaning and the same with another popular mantra, AUM. While “Om” means “I Am” (the divine mind within), the A-U-M is entirely different.

A-U-M in Brahmin script

It is an expression of the three separate, component sounds of the Law of Creation, where the sounds of Creation (yang thought or intention) and Preservation (yin feeling or divine love) come together to express as Manifestation (through action or complementary motion).

In a deep state of meditation, yoga masters hear the A-U-M as etheric sounds being constantly broadcast from the Sun. This provides the energy to power higher consciousness throughout the solar system.

Meditation techniques often use mantras or affirmations as objects of focus to keep the conscious mind from wandering away from a session devoted to gaining higher consciousness. If you prefer affirmations in the English language as they make more sense to your conscious mind, use this:

“I AM… Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The phrase, “I am Infinite Being”, in itself is an affirmation of your oneness with the ultimate potential, the source of all life, the consciousness from which all life comes forth. You are one with that universal consciousness which is within everything in manifestation. By modifying it to, “I AM (pause) Infinite Being”, you are doubly stating the name of the divine, first as the “I AM” Presence and second as “Infinite Being”.

You can use this to consciously affirm your ultimate potential. If you find issues arising, such as a feeling of unworthiness in your alignment with the All That Is or Infinite Being, just let those thoughts go, then gently bring your mind back into focus upon the affirmation. You do not have to justify the words, or settle any internal argument about them, just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said you “should” think in this life. Think independently, think infinitely, and you will connect with the consciousness of your ultimate potential.

Have the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let any issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you make this affirmation, you become consciously more aware of your connection with Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts are then healed within the light of greater truth. You can use “I AM… Infinite Being” for meditation or during a brief quiet time to restore balance from daily stress. When you do, be sure to maintain an awareness of its deep meaning, as mindless repetition of any affirmation will create little or no result.

The affirmation, “I AM… Infinite Being”, should always be repeated silently and sacredly from a heart-space filled with love for the divine.

Your Choice: Sanskrit or English

The affirmation, “I AM… Infinite Being”, is meaningful to the conscious mind. Use this phrase during meditation as the focus of your thought. As distracting thoughts appear, gently bring your focus back to “I AM… Infinite Being”, allowing your mind to contemplate all the potential this means. Eventually, the mind slows down and calms. Awareness takes over in the stillness. Reaching this point is the goal of your meditation.

The mantra, “Om”, is a word from Sanskrit, the original language on earth which was designed to create meaningful sound vibrations related to the words. So, mentally or verbally chanting the word “Om” invokes an energy supporting your connection to the “I Am” presence. Because a Sanskrit word means nothing to the language-processing side of the brain, it avoids the possibility of intellectual distraction. This is another powerful way to move out of the “busy mind” state and into Awareness. As a meditation chant for spiritual effect, it is repeated mentally with a pause in between each “Om”.

The Sanskrit mantra “Om” and the English affirmation “I AM… Infinite Being” are fundamental statements of your ultimate connection to the divine so, in that sense, they are equal. Choose which one you prefer by giving each one a fair trial in your own deep meditation sessions.

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