Author Archives: Owen

The Summer of Light

by Owen Waters

The Summer of Love, 1967

While 1967 is remembered for the Summer of Love, the year 2023 may very well be remembered for The Summer of Light.

During the 2010s, most leading thinkers were quite content in the early stage of heart-centered consciousness.

They had found peace by abandoning pointless ambition in favor of meaning in life and vibrant relationships with others. They were exploring the heart-empowering value of cooperation and leaving behind competition and its effect of estrangement from other human beings.

Rather than becoming what others thought they should become in order to rank high in societal approval, they were homing in on personal purpose as a rising source of inspiration. It had long since become obvious that there was more to life than competing to see who would own the most toys when they die.

The emotional effect of witnessing human helpfulness was already arousing their curiosity by tugging at their heartstrings. Don’t you just love a helpful, honest person who wants the best for, not just you, but for everyone they meet?

The urge to care and connect was continually finding more opportunities to express itself. This stage of consciousness added heart to the world of commerce, expanding its vision into something far more rewarding than simply making a greater profit than last year.

And then, suddenly, the world stopped, and it stopped long enough for people to re-evaluate everything.

Remember 2020? A world-changing event. An invisible bug, said to be spreading wildly and seeking out victims for a rapid death. Result: Mass panic!

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs

Just as people were getting settled into the Maslow Hierarchy’s heart-awakening stage of Self-Actualization… wham!

They were suddenly plunged, like it or not, into Fear for Survival mode… Maslow’s bottom of the triangle revisited!

Now, look what happened next…

After the protracted drama of the pandemic, people eventually snapped back to more-or-less normal consciousness, but with a difference. After having been settled in Self-Actualization, then beaten down to the bottom stage of Survival, anyone with a clear mind rose into a newly-empowered position, propelling themselves beyond Self-Actualization and right into the Transcendence stage!

This boomerang effect from the deep crisis brought about the New Enlightenment faster than would have otherwise been expected.

By the summer of 2023, a decidedly positive mood had dawned, along with a newly-established Age of Enlightenment. While 1967 is remembered as the Summer of Love, 2023 may very well be remembered as the Summer of Light that started this global awakening.

The dawn of the transcendent New Enlightenment opens the door to a beautiful life filled with purpose, abundance, and true inner joy. It means that we now have the readiness to face any challenge in life with inspired resourcefulness.

Spiritual seekers find the new consciousness especially helpful as actively engaging in it can be ten times more effective in gaining enlightenment than passive meditation practices!

Now, discover what gifts and capabilities the universe will bring in the coming months and years as The New Enlightenment unfolds…

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The Three Dimensions of Time

by Owen Waters

“If I only had Time.” That’s what the Creator thought while mulling over the design stage of the Creation.

Time is necessary so that experience can be gained from choices taken and changes made at an appropriate pace for learning.

In the Great Here and Now which is the underlying reality of Infinite Being, time as we know it does not exist. Any change has an instantaneous effect. Therefore, in order to enjoy the adventure of immersion in a physical universe, Infinite Being and its Creator aspect needed the dimensional property that we call Time.

The popular concept of dimensions today is that we live in a four-dimensional world – three dimensions of space and one of time. However, the Law of Creation points to a different reality. As you may know from previous articles, the Law of Creation has three components and a tendency to self-replicate.

There is one Creator, operating through the three aspects or creative principles of Thought, Feeling, and Motion. The nine dimensional properties of matter are created by each of those aspects creating three varieties of itself. Three times three varieties means that there are a total of nine dimensional properties of matter.

Time is one of the nine dimensional properties of physical matter. Another is Space. Because of the Law of Creation’s tendency to self-replicate, there are, furthermore, three varieties or directions of Space – commonly expressed as length, breadth, and height.

Now… get this… as well as three varieties of Space, there are three varieties of Time!

We normally think of the standard, tick-tock version called Linear Time. Like a clock on the wall, Linear Time passes at a fixed rate regardless of whatever you do to change your perception of how slowly or quickly it is passing.

Variety Two of Time is called Experiential Time. In daily life, you notice that time can pass quickly or slowly in your perception. Experiential Time is related more to inner consciousness and feelings than it is to the outer world, so its significance to you increases as your frequency of consciousness rises.

For example, the spirit world of the afterlife is a subtle, higher-frequency version of physical experience. In the afterlife, Experiential Time plays much more of a role than Linear Time.

Variety Three of Time is something that comes into play when you become more attuned to your soul’s level of consciousness. Variety Three produces Timelines. These are alternate realities which are potentially of interest to your soul. Any important change in your primary focus, such as a spiritual awakening experience, will shift you onto a more appropriate timeline. The shift will be obvious to your soul level of awareness, but your physical brain is only designed to be aware of your current timeline. To your physical brain, the only change will be that life is somehow better than it used to be.

The great miracle of the dimension of Time is not that it can have multiple timeline versions or that it can expand or contract to suit your consciousness, but that Linear Time can produce the illusion of slow change when all that really exists is the Great Here and Now.

Think about it, in a reality where all things are Here and everything is Now, how did the Creator create the illusion of Time so that we could play out our lives of experience at an appropriate rate?

The best analogy is that of a motion picture. The original movie films consisted of a sequence of photographs being projected onto a screen at, typically, 24 frames per second. Even though each frame contains just a static image, the illusion of motion is achieved by subsequent frames being projected fast enough for the human brain to perceive the changes as smooth action. Changes through time are created from a collection of static images, and that is the same way the Creator created Time.

The universe flashes on and off billions of times per second. It is re-created in each of those rapidly-appearing, still-action frames. Each frame is a different viewpoint of the Great Here and Now. The physical brain is entrained to the timing of that universal movie projector mechanism. All we see is continual change, even though such change consists of many still-action, static frames.

With the framework for Time in place, it is then possible for human decisions to be made and for subsequent changes to unfold at a speed that allows for learning and reflection. And that was achieved even though, in truth, all changes are just a collection of different viewpoints of the Great Here and Now.

Isn’t the universe a wonderful creation?

P.S. Space and Time are just two of the nine physical dimensions. To study the other dimensions in detail, please refer to my book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.

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Ascension to a Higher Dimension

by Owen Waters

Dimension is a term often used to refer to other realms of existence, but it can cause confusion in that the word dimension also refers to measurable attributes of this reality such as time or space measurements; for example, length or width.

Other realms of existence could be more descriptively called densities, levels or density levels. In the light of emerging knowledge, I recommend that people avoid potential confusion by using the words density or density level instead of dimension to describe a vibrational level of existence.

The lowest density level of manifestation for Planet Earth currently is third density (3D), the regular physical form to which we are accustomed. There are lower density levels, but they only apply to the frequency of consciousness of basic items like rocks and subatomic particles. Their location level is still 3D, right here with you and me.

First density (1D) is the level of consciousness of the basic physical elements and objects that are called ‘inanimate’ by many people, such as rocks and crystals. Because all objects in the universe are composed of compressed divine consciousness, they all have a sense of awareness at some level. For example, physics experiments have shown that when subatomic particles collide and separate, they continue to remember each other and act out their connected relationship.

Second density (2D) is the level of consciousness of biological existence – of plants and wild animals, even though their physical forms are located in the 3D realm. As 3D is currently the lowest level where the earth maintains a physical body, there is no 2D version of Earth below us.

Third density (3D) is currently home to physical human beings. It is a realm of self-aware identity and intellectual development. While your physical body is currently located in third density, your mind is free to roam to other frequencies or density levels of awareness.

Fourth density (4D) is home to spirits in the afterlife and it can also support physical humans. There are numerous sub-realms of existence within fourth density, with the lower sub-realms being more dense than the higher sub-realms.

While spirit or “astral” beings are ethereal and ghost-like relative to us, they are solid to each other, so they are correctly referred to as quasi-physical rather than nonphysical beings. Those who inhabit the realms of the afterlife in spirit bodies experience relative freedom as their quasi-physical spirit bodies respond easily to their mental direction. Spirit beings find it easy to levitate and they can instantly relocate to a desired destination.

They can also create quasi-physical objects using the pressure of mental energy applied to the universal supply of etheric energy. They call these objects thought forms and a well-made thought form will exist for more than a year without any further attention before it dissolves back into the surroundings as etheric energy. With regular attention, it will stay in existence as long as it is important to someone.

Fifth density (5D) is home to soul consciousness and is a nonphysical realm of spiritual light and sound energies. Traditionally, 5D is referred to as the higher mental realms. Although souls are perceived as separate individuals in 5D, just as we are in the physical realm, they are also fully attuned to their connectedness with each other. Soul bodies are nonphysical fields of higher mental energy. Your soul can also be referred to as your higher self or as the superconscious aspect of your total field of awareness.

On the day all this changes…

Ascension or rapture to a higher world has long been anticipated. But, today, with global changes accelerating ever faster, we are obviously reaching the climax of change. When it happens, in the blink of an eye, the physical material of the planet and everything upon it will upgrade from 3D to a higher existence, well within the 4D frequency range.

This upgrade to a higher realm of existence became possible in the 1960s (remember how everything changed back then?) but the collective oversouls of humanity decided to avoid the shock of sudden change and let the changes spin out in a digestible form over several decades.

The day is rapidly approaching when the earth will rise in vibration because everything physical – our bodies, the ground beneath our feet, and everything around us will rise in frequency. Our destination will be the basic realm of heaven and, yet, we will be physical!

To be informed is to be prepared. Discover how mass ascension will happen (it’s not quite as simple as you might expect, and for a very good reason.)

Learn what new human capabilities will emerge and discover what to expect from life in the ascended world. Ascension to a Higher World by Owen Waters is available now at:

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Spiritual Faith

by Owen Waters

With spiritual faith, your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

Faith may sound like a form of belief, but belief is actually a fixation upon a version of the truth. When a belief becomes rigid, seeking and growth are not possible. For example, the biggest challenge facing quantum physics today is the enormous shift that is required from previous beliefs about the nature of reality. Researchers have to shift to a new view where time, space and physicality are liberated from the constraints which people previously believed that they had.

If you believe that you exist in a fixed location in space and that time must always pass you by like clockwork, think again. Subatomic particles do not share your beliefs about time and space. They take a much more liberated view. Subatomic particles pop in and out of physical manifestation millions of times per second, just when and where they feel like it. Their disregard for time is perplexing, to say the least, as they respond immediately to events in their future and even time travel backwards to alter their past when it suits them.

Now, we can all identify with the idea of creating a different future based on decisions that we make now, but creating a different past? Well, that’s what subatomic particles do, right there in the lab. As a result, in the mathematics of quantum physics today, one of the necessary tools is negative time – the ability of a particle to send a message into its past in order to change its own history.

Subatomic particles are friendly by nature. When they bump into another particle that they take a liking to, and they seem to like all of them, they become friends and carry on communicating with each other, for ever. The fact that they may become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate.

The speed of their communications comes as a surprise. Einstein said that nothing exceeds the speed of light, but apparently subatomic particles weren’t listening when he said that. They communicate over huge distances virtually instantly. If there is a limit to the speed of transmitted thought, then that speed of thought has to be millions of times faster than the speed of light.

Subatomic particles, by their very freedom, serve to remind us of our true potential as conscious beings in a conscious universe. We are limited only by our personal collection of beliefs, our belief system. We also share our part of a larger, societal belief system, the consensus reality.

Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

With spiritual faith – an open heart and an open mind – we can discover more about today’s New Reality and what it means to humanity. Discovering more about life expands our view of reality and evolves our belief systems.

Besides, and this is what really counts, it’s fun!

*For many more answers to the mysteries of life, be sure to read Owen Waters’ book, Spiritual Metaphysics, available now at:

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Stairway to Heaven

by Owen Waters

There is a stairway to heaven. It leads through the heavenly realms of the afterlife and continues even further, all the way to the ultimate state of consciousness from which the universe sprang into existence.

Infinite Being, the ultimate source of all things, created a universe of infinite diversity, of infinite parts of the whole. As humanity, we are the adventurers who projected ourselves into physical experience in order to bring deeper focus into our experience. Our purpose in the physical realm of consciousness is to gain a sharply-defined sense of identity and to grow from there.

The long-term mission of each and every one of us is to gain expanded awareness through life’s experiences until we eventually return to the one God, no longer as curious seekers, but as self-realized, conscious gods.

The steps of the stairway are formed by nine density layers within the consciousness of the Creator. Each density layer is composed of a different degree of compression of Creator consciousness. The higher steps are more ethereal, or less compressed, than the lower ones. The lower steps are more compressed, more sharply focused, and more clearly defined than the ones above.

Every density layer (or “dimension” as some people call them) is composed of consciousness. Even the physical world, with its apparently physical objects, is really composed of 100% consciousness, compressed in a way that appears to be solid.

The Nine Densities of Creation

The Nine Densities of Creation are divided into three groups of three densities. These three groups contain the material, spiritual, and cosmic layers of existence.

The Material Group of Densities

The three most dense layers are the material group. These relate to basic physical existence.

First Density – Matter

First density consciousness is the realm of the atoms and molecules of physical matter as well as the basic sense of survival.

This is the natural frequency of the consciousness of the elements which form the basis of physical matter, including the physical bodies employed by plants, animals and humans.

Second Density – Biology

Second density supports the consciousness of plant and animal life as well as the urge to grow. Plant life, for example, reproduces and spreads until it reaches the limits provided by its environment. Second density is also the frequency of the basic emotions, such as anger and fear.

While plants and animal life resonate to a second-density frequency and consist of first-density atomic particles, they are located in our world in third density existence. There is no first or second density planet Earth. The lowest frequency manifested by planet Earth is third density.

Third Density – Individuality

Third density is the current realm of existence for the combined consciousness of physical humanity. It is where the consciousness of individuality and self-awareness is developed. Humanity’s experience of separation from its inner source is a deliberate experiment whereby the illusion of physical existence becomes very real.

The game of human physicality began long ago. As curious spirits, we progressed into a desire for maximum effect and then went on to discover how to create total immersion within the game. It is this total immersion within physicality which makes life on earth seem so real, so full of passion, so disconnected from our spiritual source and, yet, full of so much potential for self-discovery.

The experience of humanity’s separation from its inner source is achieved through using a physical brain which focuses on the five senses. These senses feed information to the brain from a universe which appears to be external. Our brains are wired to perceive space and to experience time. The turning of our attention away from inner, spiritually-connected information provides a sharply-defined sense of individuality, one which would not have been possible were our brains designed differently.

Third-density consciousness also supports other qualities for an evolving consciousness, such as the discovery of courage and optimism, and the development of intellect and reason.

The Spiritual Group of Densities

The next layers of density are the spiritual group. The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the level of consciousness to which mankind is currently awakening – that of heart-centered consciousness. For humanity, this is where the adventure really begins!

Fourth Density – Integration

In fourth-density consciousness, the heart awakens to a natural unrestricted flow of unconditional love. In third-density consciousness, humans develop themes of separation from each other. In fourth density, they develop integration, or the healing of separation.

Fourth density is where the spirit realm, or afterlife, is located. Here, people resolve and integrate the emotional experiences that they gained during their physical lives. When today’s massive Shift in consciousness has played through sufficiently, fourth density will also become the new location for physical human beings. In this density, the qualities of balance and unconditional love are developed, which lead to the development of inner joy.

Fifth Density – Soul Consciousness

Fifth density brings with it the ability to create powerful realities and to transcend space and time. Once spirits in the afterlife have integrated their emotions and resolved their conflicts, they can pass on into fifth density. Fifth density is a nonphysical realm of the soul, of the “higher self” or inner being. Your inner being is your complete consciousness, and therefore includes the subconscious and superconscious aspects of mind.

Your inner being has a clear connection to the higher densities and to Infinite Being. Therefore, developing a clear connection to your inner being provides you with a direct source of spiritual empowerment.

While your immediate soul mates may number, typically, seven other souls, your soul family is much larger. It is closer to two thousand individuals, grouped together in a huge family of people with common likes and interests.

You share a similar energetic background, history, and many preferences as to the kinds of experiences that you enjoy. These are the people with whom you share the most empathy. To your inner being, they are the essence of “Home.”

Of the other members of your soul family, less than half will typically be in physical incarnation at any given time. Many will live in other countries and in other parts of your country. When you meet them, you recognize them as people whom you feel are special in some way. There is a resonance within your own consciousness that is quite different to how you would react to a total stranger.

Sixth Density – The Angelic Realms

Sixth density is home to some of the greatest beings who have ever graced the earth with their presence. The field of consciousness of a world spiritual teacher, for example, is enormous in comparison to the field of consciousness of one typical human. It is because of this great capacity of consciousness, along with their ability to divide their attention into many parts at one time, which allows world teachers to service the needs of all those who call upon them in their times of need.

Archangels and world teachers are based in the upper reaches of sixth density so that their awareness can encompass the entire planet in all its manifestations in fifth, fourth, and third densities. In this way, these global spirits are capable of detecting and responding to multiple calls for assistance all at once.

The Cosmic Group of Densities

When the ladder of human evolution has been climbed to its ultimate, spiritual heights, there is only one place to go next in the grand scheme of Creation. That next step is to become a part of the intelligence of a planetary being.

Seventh Density – Planetary Consciousness

There is much more to Gaia, the planet Earth, than meets the eye. Seventh density is home to planet-size fields of consciousness. In the third-density physical realm, she provides a home for humanity. Her spiritual heart, however, resides in this nonphysical, seventh-density realm of spiritual light.

It is not by chance that seventh density is where cosmic consciousness occurs. This is the entry-level density layer devoted to the cosmic scale of consciousness. A human being can visit seventh density during a period of cosmic consciousness, but they cannot reside there permanently, as it is designed to be a realm which is home to fields of planet-sized consciousness.

Eighth Density – Solar Consciousness

The spiritual heart of the Sun is in eighth-density consciousness. What we see in third density is its physical body, which is a faint reflection of its eighth-density, spiritual radiance.

An insight into the true scale of the magnetic body of the Sun can be gained from the heliosphere. This is a magnetized sphere of energy which stretches, from the Sun, four times further than the outermost planet of Pluto in every direction. That’s a 22 billion mile-wide magnetic body which contains, sustains and cares for the planets and all life forms within its sphere.

As well as living within the Sun’s third-density heliosphere, we are connected, at the eighth-density level of consciousness, with the spiritual being we call the Sun. You cannot be born within its sphere without first becoming a part of it energetically. We are, as stated correctly by ancient cultures, Children of the Sun.

Likewise, before you were first physically born on earth, your soul passed through an initiation of birth through the holy flame of the Logos of the Mother Earth. On a cosmic scale of consciousness, she is your spiritual mother, just as the Sun is your spiritual father. In the grand scheme of Creation, the Earth contains the closest consciousness to God within your reach, and the Sun contains the closest consciousness to God within your sight. Sending your love and gratitude to the Sun and the Earth not only makes perfect sense, it is the oldest spiritual practice on earth, and one of the most potent.

Ninth Density – The Galaxies and their Central Suns

A galaxy is a living cell within the consciousness of the universe. Like the Sun, which later gave birth to its planets, each galaxy gave birth to the suns within its massive body.

Although the central sun of each galaxy distributes a constant supply of higher energy from the Creator to the manifest universe, the central suns do not radiate physical light and are therefore invisible to the human eye. (The photograph above shows a cluster of stars gathered near the center of that galaxy, not a central sun.)

To appreciate the scale of Creation, radio astronomy has given us some idea of the total count of galaxies in existence. Currently, there are believed to be between 100 and 125 billion galaxies in existence in the universe.

The Three Aspects of the Creator

Before Creation, there existed only Infinite Being as perfect, unchanging consciousness.

Then, Infinite Being entered an active mode in order to achieve Creation by using the three creative principles of thought, feeling, and motion. This active expression of Infinite Being then created the nine-density structure within the envelope of the universe.

Those three creative principles also represent the divine functions of creation, preservation, and sustenance as performed by the Founders, the Watchers, and the Central Sun of the universe.

The Founders

The Founders of life in the universe, or Lords of Creation, are the fundamental designers of all that exists.

As humans are created in the likeness of Creator consciousness, we mold the world in ways that we see fit.

The Watchers

These are the guardians of all of Creation. The Watchers, or Lords of Karma, ceaselessly observe and adjust the universe to keep it in perfect balance in accordance with the all-pervasive law of action and reaction.

The function of the Watchers is to protect all life in the universe. When necessary, they immerse themselves into the deeper densities in order to manage details or to initiate new projects within the universe. One such project is very familiar to us: The creation of human consciousness and its gradual immersion into deeper, and therefore more sharply-focused, layers of density.

Like all layers of consciousness, we are directly connected to the Watchers. They are part of the spiritual lineage which connects us to the ultimate state from which we all came, that of Infinite Being.

In third-density physical existence, karma is often perceived as a negative because it reflects every thought and action, including fear and hate, with fear being a reminder that courage is essential to human evolution. However, karma is simply a law of natural, perfect balance as it guarantees that all created thoughts and actions generate appropriate experiences. In physics, it is stated as the law, “Action and reaction are opposite and equal.” It is neither positive nor negative. It provides a neutral reflection of who you are now.

When a person moves from material consciousness into heart-centered consciousness, it may appear that their old karmic pattern has ended. It has. In its place is a reflection of the new person and their unconditional love for all. As a fundamental law of the universe, however, karma never ceases to exist. This property of creational action is interwoven in the fabric of the living universe.

The Central Sun of the Universe

This is the power source of all life in the created universe. From it, energy flows in a vibrational cascade down through the central suns of the galaxies and the suns of each solar system, providing cosmic, spiritual, mental, etheric, and physical energies as needed by all life forms.

Beyond the Universe – Infinite Being

Infinite Being is the indivisible One, the origin of All That Is. The nine densities of this universe are held within its consciousness.

The Ultimate in Human Potential

As the one Creator immersed itself into the deeper layers of its own Creation, it progressively expanded the possibilities for exploration. Today, as expressions of Infinite Being, we function as self-aware humans, operating under unique conditions in this grand adventure called life.

As we gain human experience and progressively increase our awareness, we become spiritual humans. Then we become ascended humans and, eventually, we rejoin the larger, cosmic scheme of things on our path back to the original source from which we came.

Energetically, we exist, not just in third density, but on all density levels of Creation. We are one with Infinite Being in its ultimate state and we are connected to all of its levels of manifestation. While the One Creator is the original creative power, we are also endowed with the ability to create our reality as a living reflection of our thoughts, our beliefs, and our view of life and its possibilities. Within us, we have unlimited potential to create lives which are full of joy, purpose and meaning.

Within your life, you can choose any path that you determine, and, once you set an intention, a pathway opens up for you to fulfill that intention. As soon as you make a definite intention as to your new reality, the universe begins to reorganize itself around that new reality.

Now, to amplify that power of creativity to almost miraculous levels, consciously align yourself with your inner being and determine what is most important to you at that deepest level. Your fifth-density inner being is your soul level of consciousness. It is your own personal doorway to a full connection to Infinite Being. When you re-affirm your connection with your inner being, you are connecting to the very level of consciousness which has the most creative power.

In aligning with your inner self, you can fulfill any potential that you can imagine and become a living expression of your desired path through life. Your conscious alignment with such inner creative power will make synchronicity flow. It will open doorways along the way and dissolve barriers, making your pathway smooth and natural. (To study this more deeply, read the e-book, Soul Inspiration by Owen Waters.)

Your inner self is your personal connection to Infinite Being and it is the source of your spiritual empowerment. State consciously that you intend to work with the full range of your own consciousness and then watch miracles unfold within your life!

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The Good News About Karma

by Owen Waters

Karma is very different from what most people think it is. The word itself, usually prefixed by the word “bad,” generates ideas of retribution or punishment for past misadventures. Somewhere in the heavens above, so people imagine, an accountant is supposed to be keeping track of your karmic balance.

I used to assume that karma was all about maintaining a balance, so therefore the universe contained some law that made it reflective in nature and therefore automatically self-balancing. However, I stand corrected by recent revelations from my senior guide and mentor, an archangel who serves humanity during these times of transition in the vitally essential office of Lord Protector of The Shift.

Karma is an effect of creation. There is no inherent reflective capability in the universe. The apparent reflections, which people sometimes call their karma, come from the ongoing patterns of consciousness which they have created.

Each of us has a karmic pattern, which is like a tapestry filled with a variety of cross-linked energies. It is held within the energetically magnetic aura that surrounds your body.

Each thread woven into your karmic pattern was placed there by your creation of a certain pattern of consciousness. Each created thread within the tapestry of your karmic pattern exists because you have given it life. It will continue to exist and attract circumstances to itself as long as you feed its existence.

The Law of Creation is invoked when intention and feeling are set into motion.

Yin and Yang in motion

Intention is the yang component as it sets the frequency of consciousness. Emotion sets the yin component of magnetic attraction which, by its nature, attracts relevant circumstances into one’s life.

People often ask if their karmic pattern can be changed. Yes, it can. It changes all the time.

What has been created and empowered by an emotional charge will soon fade away when that emotional charge no longer supports it. In a more sudden fashion, a rise in consciousness can transform a karmic pattern.

For example, if someone were intent on jealousy as a way of life and then they experienced a sudden awakening which transformed them to a higher level of thought, their life could change at that very moment. They could decide to become loving and forgiving instead of continuing to feed the old jealousy pattern. That decision would be the end of the jealousy part of their karmic pattern. It would be taken out of existence by the transformation which made the person no longer interested in feeding that pattern of consciousness. The former creation would dissipate, its energy being released back to the universe, and it would stop generating karmic circumstances.

In Summary

The Law of Karma is an effect of the Law of Creation. Your overall karmic pattern is a collection of each thought pattern you have created. It can change as you raise your level of consciousness through spiritual growth but the Law of Karma never ceases to operate. It is always in full operation at all levels of Creation, attracting those patterns you have created through your intentions, feelings and actions.

Here’s the Especially Good News

The Law of Karma guarantees that when you give, you will receive. When you heal, you will receive healing. When you teach what you have learned to others, you will find that even greater insights dawn within you as a result.

If you decide with all your heart that you will succeed in fulfilling your soul purpose in this life, that adds a thread to your karmic pattern which will affect your present and future. Like a magnet drawing resources and circumstances toward you, this thread of intention will help you navigate through life to fulfill your wish in every possible way.

*For more insights and ways to create a truly joy-filled life, read Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life by Owen Waters.

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First Impressions Are Intuitive

by Owen Waters

Whenever you step firmly into heart-centered consciousness, your awareness immediately becomes more connected to your inner source of intuition. Through intuition, you become aware of information about people, places and events that springs from the essence of those people, places and events. This information is not delivered through the outside senses, although it may unfold within you at the same time that you receive sensory information.

While visual information relates only to the sense of sight, intuitive information includes much more. It includes all sensory information – sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste – and, in addition to that, the thoughts, feelings and memories that are relevant to the situation.

First impressions are more than just visual. They are intuitive as well. When you are about to meet a person for the first time and you are approaching them, you will receive a visual impression and your consciousness will also receive impressions about the nature of their consciousness, such as their true emotional state. That intuitive stream of information will come into your awareness alongside the visual stream and, if you are aware that it exists, you can add the intuitive information to your conscious impression of the person.

Everyone receives this intuitive information stream unconsciously, but, for it to arrive in your conscious mind, you have to:

1) Be aware that it exists.

2) Be open to receiving it.

The more you practice having an openness to intuitive information, the more this will develop.

Most people are not aware of their mental and emotional transmissions. In a crowd of people, these transmissions add together and there is as much mental noise as there is physical noise. As you become more in tune with your inner senses, you will find that, on some occasions, it’s better not to access your intuitive information for a time, just to give yourself some peace from the volume of mental noise.

At night, when you travel out-of-body in the spirit realms, communication is different than when you are awake in your physical body. The natural method of communication in your spirit body is to exchange information with others via thought. In the spirit world, people naturally know when to open for a communication and when to close down their thought transmissions again. There, you sense when a person ‘opens’ to you and sends a mental greeting, or when they are ‘closed’ and not offering any communication.

In daily life, first impressions are intuitive as well as visual. The reception of such information is automatic, but the conscious mind misses this information feed when it is focused entirely upon the external world.

Be more aware of your own intuitive information. Be open to it. Then, it will flow right into your conscious mind along with the visual information that your conscious mind is receiving.

Owen Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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Nocturnal Adventures – Part II

by Owen Waters

In Part I, I pointed out that a curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep.

Because our nighttime adventures typically occur in the fourth-density spirit world, which is a more subtle realm than our third-density physical world, our nocturnal activities are more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that occurs during the day.

Because the spirit world is where the population of the afterlife lives, you often meet friends and relatives there who have passed on from the physical world. Nighttime can be a wonderful time of reunion with such dear friends, so it’s well worth making the effort to increase your dream recall ability.

Your spirit body naturally resonates to the spirit world. Once freed from the physical shell each night as your physical body falls asleep, it will normally move upwards from the physical third-density world towards the light of the fourth-density spirit world. Upon arriving, you will notice extra light everywhere: It fills the air and it radiates outwards from solid objects. This is because material in the spirit realms is made of etheric energy, which is a higher energy than the electric energy that forms physical matter.

The air in the spirit world is filled with etheric energy, ready to be drawn into some useful form by the intent of any individual. People in the afterlife can build a new home just as fast as they can visualize every part of it. It will stay in existence as long as they pay it occasional attention. If they want a little variety in the appearance of their new home, they can even redecorate it every day! If they leave and move elsewhere, the house will slowly dissolve, over a period of months, back into the atmosphere as etheric energy.

The fact that people who live in the spirit realms create homes does not exclude you, the temporary nighttime visitor, from doing the same. In fact, having a private retreat somewhere in the spirit world is a wonderful help in recovering from the stresses of daytime physical living. There is plenty of space in the spirit world for you to find a quiet, private location for your retreat.

One of the curious properties of the spirit world is that you can actually create your own space, fill it with objects of your own design, and it will be something that no one else would perceive unless they tuned into your thought pattern as the creator of that scene. It can even be large enough to include your own idea of an ocean scene with a perfect, setting sun. It won’t be the actual Sun; it’ll just be your own, private, artistic creation built for your own enjoyment, and it will last for as long as you pay occasional attention to it.

The spirit or astral body is quasi-physical. This means that, while it is subtle and etheric compared to the physical body, it is still solid in its own environment. In the spirit realms of 4D, matter is composed of etheric energy and is solid to the touch. If you bump into another spirit or astral body on your travels, they will seem solid, just like bumping into another person in the physical world.

The fact that spirit matter is less dense than physical matter gives you a lot more freedom of movement. You can meet a friend halfway around the world in one or two seconds of travel time just by projecting your spirit body to that new location. You tune into that person and, wherever they are, mentally project, and you will appear at that location.

A simple intention is all it takes to decide what each night’s adventure can be. Then, upon awakening, you’re halfway to remembering what happened.

So far, we have examined the possibilities for nocturnal adventures where you can:

1. Go and see friends and relatives who have either passed on or, just like you, are temporarily out-of-body for the night.

2. Notice how the 4D air is full of energy and materialize solid objects either just for fun or for artistic development.

3. Find a piece of land away from it all and build a small retreat there.

4. Decide who or where to go and see in a distant location, gather your intent, and project there instantly.

Remember this…

The challenge is to remember such adventures. Intent is the key. Tell yourself,

“Tonight, I intend to (have this adventure) and I will remember it upon awakening.”

Keep a notebook and pen right beside your bed and some source of light (even a flashlight will do.) Get in the habit of recalling dreams as soon as you awake and writing down everything you can. You’ve just returned from another world to a brain that’s had the night off, so those memories will begin to fade fast as soon as you wake up. Seconds count in writing down those dream details.

Realize that the immediate dreamstate is shallow compared to full immersion in the spirit world. The easiest dreams to recall are the ones that occur when you are almost ready to wake up. They are typically dramatic scenes filled with symbols that help you integrate the stresses that you have felt in previous days. The key to understanding them is to ask what each symbol means to you emotionally. Then, you’ll understand the stress that was being worked out in the dream, or the message that your inner being was bringing to the surface for your attention.

As you become more practiced in dream recall, you will soon reach beyond the initial dreamstate and remember the deeper, real-life experiences that you have each night in the spirit world.

The good news is that today, due to ongoing effect of The Shift, the veil is thinning between the 3D physical world and the 4D spirit world. As each year passes, people are remembering more and more upon awakening. You may sometimes find yourself between wakefulness and sleep and you are really not sure which state you are in. Today, this is quite common due to the thinning of the veil. As The Shift continues, physical matter will move fully into 4D, there will be no veil and full recall will be easy.

Owen Waters is author of Ascension to a Higher World.

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Nocturnal Adventures

by Owen Waters

Other than a few remembered dreams, our nighttime slumbers seem to be one big twilight zone of consciousness where nothing much happens at all.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. What really happens at night is actually more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that happens during the day in the physical world.

At night, we travel in a more subtle world than the physical one. Human consciousness has many ‘bodies,’ or shells of consciousness, each of which functions at a different level of awareness. The more dense bodies used by each human being are the physical body, its etheric energy counterpart, and the astral or spirit body. The less dense ones begin with the soul ‘body,’ which is a nonphysical field of consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of time and space, and then go on up the frequency scale of consciousness from there.

To understand where these bodies fit into the grand scale of universal consciousness, realize that there are 12 density layers of consciousness. Some people refer to the different density layers as ‘dimensions.’ As physical beings today, we exist in third density and are in the process of transitioning into fourth density. Fourth density has been traditionally the home of the spirit realms. It still will be after The Shift to higher consciousness has been completed, but the spirit realms will move up to higher sub-layers within fourth density as the physical realm moves in.

The spirit realms are referred to in the plural as there are many sub-layers of consciousness within fourth density. The spirit or astral realms are also known as the afterlife. They vary from the lower astral realms, through the highly-populated middle realms, and on into the higher astral realms or heavens.

When you eventually pass on from the physical realm, as we all do eventually, you will find yourself located in the exact spirit realm that corresponds to your normal frequency of consciousness. If you have strong issues to resolve, they will hold you back a little until you have worked through them by a process of integration. The whole experience of the afterlife is dedicated to the integration of whatever issues of separation were generated during a person’s physical lifetime. If they became polarized against a particular person, i.e. grew to hate them, then they will learn to see the situation from a higher perspective and heal that issue of separation through the forgiveness of themselves and the other person. Then, as the healing of any issues occurs, they rise higher in consciousness within the spirit world.

The mentality of 3D (the third density physical world) is SEPARATIVE in nature and 4D (the fourth density spirit world) is INTEGRATIVE, or healing, in nature. 3D resonates to the human solar plexus energy center, with its mental development and its competitive nature, while 4D resonates to the heart.

The higher aspect of heart consciousness is the first stage of spiritual awareness. It is here that, as a principle, the good of the many is recognized as being more important than immediate benefits to the self. This leads to a sense of service where the person wants to help ensure that the best is available to everyone.

This is the foundation of a world which is supportive rather than competitive. In such a world there really is more for everyone; much more, because the energy that was spent in competition against others is now funneled into productive work.

At night, when you leave the awareness of your physical body behind, it is not because your brain has shut down for the night. It is because your attention has shifted into your spirit body. Your spirit body rises out of your physical body and prepares to begin your nocturnal adventures.

In Part II of this article, we’ll take a tour of the spirit world and see what options you have for the best of nocturnal adventures. And, we’ll go on to discuss how to develop better dreamtime recall so that you can remember those adventures.

Owen Waters is the author of Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment and Freedom of the Spirit.

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The Lightworker Objective

by Owen K Waters

We are in the midst of a revolution in consciousness which is affecting everyone. Even the most staunch traditionalists in society are being dragged into a vortex of ever-increasing change.

The 80-20 rule states that 80% of any change is typically caused by 20% of the people. The 20% consists of the leading thinkers of the day.

In spiritual matters, these leading-edge people are sometimes called lightworkers or old souls, indicating that they have learned more from their experiences through many incarnations. This advanced learning is stored as wisdom in their souls and they benefit from it consciously through intuitive inner guidance.

Today’s leading-edge thinkers planned ahead to be incarnate at this time in history to help make the essential positive changes in society possible. Social science has now begun to recognize them as a major group in today’s society.

More than 1 in 5 adults have made a shift

A survey in the 1990’s by researchers Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson found that 26 percent of American adults had become what they termed Cultural Creatives. Over fifty million Americans now fit the definition of a newly emerging type of humanity that has made a comprehensive upward shift in worldview, values and way of life. In Europe, a 1997 survey conducted in fifteen European countries showed figures that are very similar to the United States.

So, in a social setting the term ‘leading-edge thinker’ actually applies to more than 20% of the people today. Most of them don’t think of themselves as leading edge, nor do they typically realize how many other people are just like them.

The term ‘lightworker’ is synonymous with ‘spiritual seeker.’ You may or may not think of yourself a lightworker but, if you’re reading this, then you fit the definition perfectly.

The two categories of Cultural Creatives identified by Ray and Anderson fit exactly into the consciousness patterns of lower and upper fourth density. While our physical bodies are currently located in upper third density, our minds are free to soar through heart-centered fourth density and into fifth-density soul consciousness.

When a person moves from the third-density function of developing basic intellect into lower fourth density, their worldview expands and they become more aware of the needs of society. They take into account the local and global effects of their own actions and the actions of others that they support. Environmental, organic and peace-making concerns all come under this frequency band of consciousness.

Then, as outlined in my book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, when people move from lower to upper fourth-density consciousness they pass through the gateway of the heart. This brings them into the first level of spiritual awareness and they become more concerned with inner development and enlightenment.

Leading thinkers are simply people whose normal frequency of consciousness is higher than average. The higher your frequency, the greater your awareness and the greater your ability to lead change by showing others how to resolve the challenges in life.

Freedom from control issues

Two popular issues today are control issues and self-empowerment. People who were raised to feel the need to be in control are now recognizing that this was just another form of fear which has no substance in reality.

Reality comes from your soul’s intuitive guidance because, at a soul level, you see everything that you need to succeed and achieve your purpose in life.

The opposite side of the same coin is the issue of self-empowerment, which is learned by people who break free of control by others and establish their own sense of inner strength and self-dependence.

The issue of self-empowerment is being explored at a societal level as well as an individual level. Every person who begins to realize that they are being deliberately disempowered and turns off the fear-inducing news broadcasts leads the world another step towards liberty from the chains that are designed to bind people to a life of servitude. Thanks to the awakening of lightworkers and leading thinkers, the world is waking up to a whole new standard of personal power and dignity.

Lightworkers often choose to experience major challenges in their lives, not because they need the experience, because they have mastered those challenges in previous incarnations. Instead, lightworkers choose to experience challenges because other people need leading thinkers to show them how to resolve these issues. The more the leading-edge people succeed in resolving these issues, the easier it becomes for the rest to follow.

There is a global mind atmosphere or ‘mind belt’ of human consciousness around the planet. You are subconsciously linked with the mind belt 24 hours a day. It affects you and you affect it. Your contribution to the mental and spiritual health of the world is made every second of every day.

The Lightworker Objective is to be a pioneer in the advancement of consciousness, often adopting certain challenges in order to work through them and, by doing so, creating a pattern in the mind belt to make it easier for others to follow.

If you are currently working through a major life challenge and feel as though you’re going round in circles and getting nowhere, STOP and look for the gift in that challenge.

The gift is that, by loving yourself and others more, you can rise above the challenge and become more of who you really are. Then, the experience changes from one of challenge to one of self-empowerment.

Real strength does not lie anywhere in the outside world. It lies within you. Once you find that inner power, you rise above any limitation and stand as a self-realized leading thinker in a world desperate for spiritual freedom.

Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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Toxic Secrets

by Owen Waters

Nothing in Creation is essentially good or bad, but we judge lower vibrations as bad because they oppose our natural desire to raise our consciousness.

For example, toxins in food vibrate at a lower frequency while health-supporting nutrition vibrates at a higher frequency. Because body, mind and spirit are interconnected, toxic food depresses the frequencies of your mind and spirit as well as your body.

Besides food, thoughts and feelings that are toxic will interfere with your ability to rise into the peaceful and enlightening realms of spiritual awareness. For example, being exposed to negative news material that incites division between people will take them further from the underlying reality that all life is essentially one.

It comes as no surprise that raising your frequency of consciousness has a healing effect on your body, but here is one surprising discovery that supports that simple truth in a powerful way. Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) was a natural science pioneer who, aided by his keen sense of intuition, observed that mountain streams purify themselves of toxicity. He observed that the meandering flow of mountain streams includes vortex eddies, which are areas of circular motion.

We now know that the key to explaining why vortex motion purifies water lies in realizing that the circular rotation of a fluid vortex induces etheric energy down its axis.

Toxins exist within their own frequency range. When they are carried in water and then the frequency of the water is sufficiently raised, the toxins can no longer manifest in either physical or pre-physical etheric form.

The energy-raising effect of adding etheric energy actually transforms lower frequency toxins out of existence!

Waterfalls are another cause of purification in mountain streams and rivers because oxygen is a ready carrier of etheric energy and the aeration caused by the waterfall allows oxygen to add energy to the water.

No wonder a brisk walk in fresh, oxygenated air produces such health benefits!

Fresh fruits and vegetables are typically sprayed with insecticides and herbicides. These are poisons which, while they are insufficient to kill large bodies like humans, still contribute to one’s overall level of toxicity. It seems strange that such foods are called ‘regular’ while the non-poisoned, unsprayed alternatives are given a special name (‘organic’) which makes them sound like the irregular option.

One’s level of toxicity is further enhanced by unfiltered, fluoridated water and airborne smog. Processed foods are a major source of toxic chemicals. Just look at the ingredients on the label, especially the mysterious chemicals with long, unpronounceable names!

Now that we know that toxins lower the frequencies of our bodies – physical, mental, and spiritual – we can more easily guide ourselves into healthy choices in life.

*Owen Waters is the author of the e-book, Higher Consciousness.

Your Inner Being As Your Greatest Resource

by Owen Waters

Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.

Your complete consciousness is your inner being. All of the so-called parts of your mind – the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious parts – are all facets of your one, complete consciousness, your inner being.

Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer world toward the inner world, you access the resources of your inner being.

Your inner being possesses all of the wisdom, understanding and strength that you will ever need. It is your ultimate, personal resource. Your inner being is also your link with the universe and with the consciousness behind all life, Infinite Being.

If you think of yourself as living your life like a performer on stage, then your inner being is like the backstage technician who makes sure that your performance has all the support that it needs to make everything happen on cue.

The amount of knowledge and wisdom available within you is unlimited. In order to access it, you only have to make an intention to go within and find it.

Your subconscious mind runs all of your biological systems without conscious effort on your part. In fact, if you think about it, the subconscious mind of an ant knows more about biochemistry than today’s leading scientists.

Your inner being knows even more; in fact, everything about anything you want to know anything about. The trick is to ask the question and then silence your conscious mind enough to hear the answer.

When you become consciously aware of the true nature of your inner being and its resources of wisdom, understanding and strength, you begin to dissolve many of the former limitations to your growth.

The key to expressing your human potential is to know that all potential lies within you and you only have to open an external channel in order to begin to allow that unlimited potential to flow out into the world.

The power is within. To become empowered, you don’t have to become something new. You only have to realize that you already have that power within, then allow that infinite inner potential to flow into your life.

To develop your sense of conscious contact with your inner being, see it as a way for you to have a partnership in the project of Life. Be willing to poll your inner being for feedback on everyday decisions. It has a wider view of the energies of life than does your physical mind, so this is a partnership which produces enormous benefits toward happy, safe, and productive experiences.

The big question is, of all the techniques of spiritual awakening that could make such inner guidance possible, which are the ones that are most effective and easiest to perform? And, how can they be combined for best effect when meeting daily challenges?

Those questions are answered in my latest e-book, Soul Inspiration: Unleash the Power of Your Higher Consciousness to Dissolve Problems and Create a Better Life.

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Mysticism as a Key to Scientific Breakthroughs

by Owen Waters

Mystics are visionaries. That’s what gives them the edge in scientific research.

Newton, Faraday and Einstein were all examples of mystics. Most of their research occurred, not in a laboratory, but within their visionary consciousness.

Mysticism is a learned skill, just like learning to ride a bicycle, and it is an exact science. You can develop this incredibly useful skill and gain that visionary edge, not just in scientific research, but in any endeavor that you plan to undertake.

Mysticism is the act of going within. Our brains are entrained upon the external universe, which they perceive through the five senses. The act of going within means to withdraw from the exterior senses and allow inner perception to come forth.

It is a paradox that higher frequencies of consciousness are obtained by lowering the frequency of the brain. Brainwaves are electrical activity. The more the outer senses are slowed down, the slower the brainwave activity. Basically, we have to reduce outer-directed conscious activity in order to reach inner consciousness.

Higher consciousness is a frequency of mind, not a higher electrical brainwave activity. However, both consciousness and electric energy do resonate within the same universal magnetic field.

This primal, carrier field is the fabric of the universe. It is essentially a static magnetic fluid that fills all of space. It does not, however, appear static when viewed at the quantum level. Continuously fed by solar radiation, it appears as a hotbed of continual electromagnetic activity.

In her ground-breaking book The Field, Lynne McTaggart weaves together a compendium of how this primal, universal Field underlies virtually all phenomena in life. Every type of electromagnetic energy, including light, has its magnetic component. This magnetic component is the Field, the fabric of the universe.

Higher energies, in the form of etheric or life energy, also resonate in the Field just as electrical energy does. Furthermore, mental energies resonate in the Field and emotional energies resonate in the Field. The Field is the underlying link that allows all actions to play out in the universe. It is, as Lynne points out, the reason that the universe is a connected wholeness rather than a collection of isolated people and objects.

The Global Mind

The Field plays host to the mental/emotional atmosphere of humanity around the Earth. This global mind of humanity links us together. Every thought that you think, and every emotion that you feel, pass into the global mind and affect everyone else on the planet.

Who says that one person can’t have an effect in this world? We all have an effect, and if your effect is an inspired one, then it will inspire countless others around the world!

This global mind phenomenon also explains why scientific discoveries often pop up around the world in several places at once, even though the discoverers were not in physical communication. These discoveries are ideas whose time is right, so the thoughts circulate to those capable of receiving and interpreting their frequency.

Life Energy

The study of etheric energy, or life energy, is about to become a larger specialty of physics than electromagnetism. Lynne McTaggart’s book lists many manifestations of etheric energy, including healing energy, scalar waves, homeopathy, and acupuncture treatments of the human energy body.

Etheric energy is a pre-physical energy. Some would call it non-physical, yet it appears solid enough to people in the afterlife, or astral realms. Their “spirit” bodies, and the solid-looking articles around them, are made of etheric energy.

Because etheric energy is responsive to mental pressures, objects in those surroundings can be materialized and altered at will. According to out-of-body expert Robert Monroe, some newcomers to the afterlife get very excited about this ability to instantly create and modify thought-forms. So much so, that they redecorate their homes daily, using their minds to create any decor they can imagine! Such is the power of instant visualization, at least in the afterlife.

Moving back to the physical realm, another example of etheric energy is the substance of Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields, which determine the shape-to-be of growing plants and animals. When we can more easily generate and measure etheric energy, then this new branch of physics will open and grow.

The practice of mysticism involves contemplation, which is a state of mind beyond concentration. When you study an object in front of you, you concentrate upon it. The state of concentration then allows insights from your intuitive faculty to enter the picture, so contemplation is a combination of concentration and intuitive insight. These intuitive insights come from the object of your attention because your mind has traveled into the object and acquired information about it.

Let’s say, for example, that the object of your contemplation is a subatomic particle, the electron. The nice thing about consciousness is that it can downsize its focus to the subatomic level. If you were to tune into such an actual subatomic particle, what would your impression be of its shape?

Would it be a sphere of solid matter? No, we already know that that is not possible because Einstein proved that matter is energy, and therefore its solidity is an illusion.

Would it be a point of electromagnetic energy? Yes, but what would be its shape? What would be its function as it interacts with the rest of nature?

What kind of motion would be present? Would it be an vortex of electromagnetism, spinning and radiating, speaking to all of the rest of Creation? Would it have an etheric template, like a morphogenetic field, acting as a waveguide as it continuously cycles between the Field and physical expression?

Intuitive insight is evolving from its former, dream-like status into the verifiable world of rigorous, scientific control.

The Early Days of Science

This is similar to the transition of another discipline, the one from alchemy to chemistry that occurred 300 years ago. That was the time of Robert Boyle, one of the founding members of the early scientific research establishment, The Royal Society.

Robert Boyle

In those days, there was little or no industry to fund scientific research, so King Charles II was approached to fund research into the wonders of those days, hence the name, The Royal Society. After Boyle published his magnum opus, The Sceptical Chemist, the vagueness of alchemy was shifted irrevocably into the precision of modern-day chemistry. All thanks to his intuitive insights.

If Boyle had not possessed a sound, intuitive grasp of the subject matter of alchemy, then he could not have extracted its potential for growth; the growth which became modern-day chemistry.

Isaac Newton was 15 years junior to Robert Boyle. After a difficult upbringing, Newton attended Cambridge University to earn his Bachelor’s degree and then trained in alchemy under Robert Boyle.

Isaac Newton

Michael White, in his biography of Isaac Newton, refers to Newton as an obsessive, driven mystic, deeply involved in alchemy and a subscriber to a “heretical” sect of Christianity, i.e. one with some ideas of their own. Newton spent a large part of his life intensely involved with alchemy, leaving behind over one million words on the subject. A mystic to the core, he also spent a considerable amount of time studying biblical prophecy, Rosicrucian mysticism, astrology and numerology.

White concluded that Newton’s search for the philosophers’ stone and for scientific fundamentals such as gravity are inextricably linked. Newton was a mathematical mystic, devoted to finding out how God had constructed the universe. He was an obsessive character who searched for an understanding of the universe by whatever means possible.

During his life, Newton headed the Royal Society (1691-1727), invented calculus, and gave us an understanding of gravity and light. He formulated the three laws of motion upon which all of mechanics is based and, famously, narrowly avoided being hit on the head by a falling apple.

Michael Faraday began his work in science researching chemistry, where he discovered benzene and succeeded in liquefying a number of gases. He soon moved ahead into the new and fascinating realm of electricity. Most of his colleagues doubted even the existence of “such a phantasie as electricity.” Surely, they said, there could be no serious connection between such diverse phenomena as lightning, static electricity, battery cells and electric eels?

Michael Faraday

While Faraday’s Victorian colleagues were, by comparison, unimaginative materialists, he proved to be a true mystic scientist. He actually saw, in his mind, a dance of energy in electromagnetic fields. In Faraday’s mystical vision, ahead of even today’s mainstream view, he saw matter as consisting of tiny electromagnetic fields. In his Experimental Researches in Electricity, he said “Each atom extends, so to say, throughout the whole of the solar system, yet retaining its own centre of force.”

With Volta’s invention of chemical batteries and their ability to produce a controlled current, laboratory experiments in electricity became much easier to perform. Prior to Volta’s chemical batteries, experimenters had used Leyden jars, which only stored a small charge of static electricity. Volta was later honored by having the unit of electrical potential, the volt, named after him. It is fortunate that the inventor of the Leyden Jar, Pieter van Musschenbroek, was not chosen for this, as we could have ended up today with houses wired, not for 115 or 240 volts, but for 115 or 240 musschenbroeks!

Faraday’s successful decoding of electromagnetic behavior led him to invent the transformer, the electric motor and the electric generator. Later, James Clerk Maxwell became his student and friend.

James Clerk Maxwell

Maxwell, another true mystic, could see the field structure of electromagnetism clearly in his mind’s eye. He went on to develop mathematical tools for calculating the behavior of electromagnetic fields. This enabled him to calculate the speed of traveling electromagnetic waves, which was – surprise, surprise – the speed of light. From this discovery, a realization unraveled that light was electromagentism.

Albert Einstein was another deeply mystical figure, one who had the vision to see that space and time are compressible. His realization that “solid” matter was really just energy, created a global paradigm shift.

Albert Einstein

Einstein said that, “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.”

Einstein is also known for making statements such as:

“God does not play dice with the universe.”

“Religion without science is blind, and science without religion is lame.”

“The Field,” he even said at one point, “is the only reality.”

Perhaps the most mystical statement of all came from Michael Faraday who, referring to life in general, said:

“All this is but a dream.”

The practice of mysticism is the practice of going within. Any meditative practice will help you develop this skill and gain that visionary edge in any endeavor.

For the ultimate meditation, see the article, Infinite Being Meditation.

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of the Indie award-winning book, Spirituality Made Simple.

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Radiant Heart Energy

by Owen Waters

The gateway to spiritual consciousness is through the heart.

The Creator designed the human experience to consist of twelve stages of evolving consciousness. As I detailed from the original research in my first book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, these range all the way from basic survival to the ultimate state of spiritual consciousness.

Much of the 20th century was devoted to the fifth stage of human consciousness, which is intellectual development. Today, people are migrating in droves to the next stage of human growth, which is heart-centered consciousness.

When a person focuses their intellect through the lens of heart-centered consciousness, they see how much the world needs help and healing rather than the old ways of competition and destruction. The initial stage of heart-centered consciousness produces a constructive, global outlook. It also places a person just one short step from the later stage of heart-centered consciousness and the dawning of spiritual awareness.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” is a guideline that has been with us since the early days of human development. Today, it’s no longer a distant ideal to be sought. The mass shift to heart-centered consciousness means that unconditional love now comes to people naturally.

The complete love and acceptance of yourself and others is the heartbeat of the New Reality.

Feeling unconditional love towards others is the key to successful, meaningful interactions with everyone with whom you meet in any situation. Feeling unconditional love towards yourself fosters a healthy sense of self-esteem which builds a positive reality based upon mutual support.

Even if there are outer behaviors that need improvement in yourself or others, it is unconditional love that is the key that will find the solutions that will bring positive transformation to those behaviors.

Once you begin to think with an open heart, you are stepping from basic human consciousness into the spiritual stages of human development. This is exactly what we came to earth to accomplish because finding spirituality is fundamental to the human experience. It may take courage to move into heart-centered consciousness, but once you acquire the expanded view of a life filled with love, you will never want to step back to the way things were.

You will soon find that any worries or fears that arise in your life can be transformed by the greatest power in the universe – that of unconditional love. It is the power of love that holds the universe together. It is a force of attraction that permeates every cell of your body and constantly reminds you of the love of the Creator for all of life.

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Father-Mother God

by Owen Waters

The concept of God as a Father-Mother principle, not just a Father God, is hardly new. For example, the Hindu religion has focused largely on the Mother aspect of God for over 3,000 years! It was to Mother God that Yogananda found his greatest inspiration throughout his early life.

The Christian Science movement, founded in 1879, is one which holds the Father-Mother God principle as central to its teachings. They regard the masculine qualities of God, such as strength, constancy and protection to be related to the Father aspect of God, while the feminine qualities, such as gentleness, compassion and nurturing to be related to the Mother aspect of God. They do not see God as two ‘people’ – a male entity and a female entity – but rather as an integrated, all-pervasive presence possessing both aspects of consciousness in equal balance.

If we look at the nature of the original consciousness which is behind all things, we can better understand the concept of an integrated Father-Mother God. God is not a person. God is an everywhere-present, all-knowing intelligence which created and maintains the universe. Behind even this creative presence, is the ultimate, original, unchanging state of consciousness, that of Infinite Being.

Infinite Being is a state of perfect beingness which contains all potential. As such, it fundamentally does not “do,” it just is. It is perfection, and therefore unchanging. However, at some point, Infinite Being decided to ‘become,’ rather than just ‘be.’ It decided to manifest its potential, and then to act out every part of that potential.

That greatest mystery of all time – why Infinite Being decided to “become” rather than just “be” – has now been answered by a spiritual master who went beyond where anyone has gone before and succeeded in retrieving the answer! The story of his return, and the stunning answer to the mystery, is told in the e-book, Discover Your Purpose in Life (see below*).

Once Infinite Being had made the decision to create the universe, it achieved the Creation through its only available tool – that of consciousness. Infinite Being divided its consciousness into two complementary aspects. In one direction, it focused intent. In another direction, it focused feeling. Then, it applied motion so that the two facets of itself – intent and feeling – could interact with each other as intertwined waves of consciousness in motion, manifesting as the energy to sustain all forms of life. In this way, Infinite Being extended itself from just being, into a state of action and creation.

The dividing of the ‘waters’ of original consciousness into two, complementary aspects created the aspect of intent and the aspect of feeling. These two principles of consciousness interact together in perfect, equal balance. Were they not perfectly balanced, the universe would cease to exist!

People traditionally find comfort in thinking of God as a parent-like presence. The two aspects of original consciousness on a grand cosmic scale do not translate well into human gender terms. However, you could choose to think of the expansive intent aspect as the part which seems more father-like. You could also choose to think of the feeling aspect as the Preserver of all of creation and the one which seems more mother-like. However, these are just images to help us identify, from a human perspective, with the vastness of the consciousness of God.

God maintains the universe through a perfect balance of the complementary aspects of its consciousness. In the light of this, if people choose to think of God in parental terms, then the word God today has to mean ‘Father-Mother God’ and not just ‘God the Father.’

Remember that without God the Father’s other half, the universe would cease to exist!

God the Mother Appeared First!

It may come as a great disappointment to fans of patriarchy, but when Infinite Being decided to create the universe, the Mother aspect of the Creative Trinity had to appear first.

The Mother aspect created space. Then, the Father aspect used intention to fill that space with what we think of as the Big Bang of Creation – the appearance of the framework of all matter from what appeared to be a center point of nothingness. Such is the magic of Creation. Then, the Mother and Father aspects joined together to bring the principle of motion into existence so that the universe could be filled with energy.

Think about it. If the Big Bang appeared first, before there was space and its ability to contain the explosion of initial Creation, there would have been one giant “Pop!”, then nothing. No containment, no framework, no energy, no matter, no suns, planets, plants, people, and no host of angels and nature spirits to maintain this wonderful universe.

So, if God the Mother is so important, where is She in the Christian belief system? That can be explained with a little history.

When Caesars Claimed to be Sons of God

When Christianity in its present-day form was being established, its founders had to compete with a long succession of Caesars, each one of which claimed to be a son of God.

The Christian claim that Jesus was the one and only son of God was a response to that state of affairs. It did not originally exclude far-away religions or the teachings of other messengers of God like Buddha or Krishna. It was just dealing with a local problem.

The importance of placing Jesus as the son of God made the church founders invent their own Trinity. Instead of the usual Trinities of other cultures, all of which included the aspects of father, mother, and bringers of light, they decided to place Jesus right next to God.

Then, they had to wonder what to do with the Mother aspect of God that is usually placed right next to the Father. Well, she got bumped over into third place and renamed the Holy Spirit. In keeping with their patriarchal focus, they then proceeded to hardly mention her anywhere in the New Testament and they rarely emphasized her supportive and healing role in answering the prayers of the faithful.

The Shift to Expanded Consciousness

Today, the concept of Father-Mother God has become a very timely one. As we progress through The Shift to heart-centered consciousness, the concept of patriarchy is steadily fading away into history. Father God, as a male persona, is part of the Old Reality thinking. The expanded concept of Father-Mother God is inbuilt into the emerging new awareness.

We are entering a New Reality where all people are honored equally, regardless of race, creed, color, personal preferences and, especially, gender. Heart-centered consciousness means unconditional love and acceptance of all people in their infinite diversity. We exist on this earth as the eyes and ears of Infinite Being as it seeks to experience itself through the infinite variety of every possible viewpoint.

Diversity is integral to our purpose in existence.

Your purpose in life includes the development of your own potential so that you can become the most unique ‘you’ possible. Today’s emerging heart-centered consciousness means that people will support, rather than compete against, the efforts of other people.

As New Reality consciousness expands, human potential will flower in creative ways never before imagined possible. You can think of God as a balance of Father-Mother God consciousness or simply go beyond that to think of Infinite Being as the ultimate state of unchanging perfection. Either way, remember that the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away.

It is your concept of the God presence within which will feed the flame of your creativity and help bring your unique potential into full and joyful manifestation.

*The greatest mystery of all time in spiritual philosophy has been, WHY life began. Why, when God had been perfection in the first place, did God create the universe so that living beings could work their way back to a perfection which already existed?

The story of how a spiritual master who passed on in the late 1990s and then went ‘beyond the beyond’ – beyond where anyone on Earth had gone before – in order to bring back that very answer is told in the e-book*, Discover Your Purpose in Life by Owen Waters:

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Peace and Happiness

by Owen Waters

Peace resides in the human heart. Inner peace creates outer peace in your relationships and in the effect that you have upon the global consciousness.

Peace is a choice. It respects your boundaries and it respects the boundaries of others. When you set your boundaries and stop others from intruding into your space, when you respect other people’s boundaries and do not intrude into their personal space, then it is possible to move on to the next step, a state of mutual cooperation.

Mutual cooperation means that you support each other in ways that come from your heart. You help people because you love the spirit within them. Their outer personality is not the important focus here; it is their inner light, their inner spirit that you can always love, regardless of their outward actions. This, then, is the foundation for unconditional love.

The best model for unconditional love is right above you in the daytime sky. The Sun shines on everyone alike, without any judgment. It is a blazing symbol of the Creator’s bounty and a constant guarantee of the energy you need for the experience of life.

When faced with each choice between love and fear, focus on your heart as the source of uplifting love and inspiration.

Love and support are the key requisites for lasting peace. The more people embrace peace in their own lives, the more they affect the global consciousness that we all share on this planet.

Happiness is the fruit of the tree of life. It is the needle in the compass that tells you that you are on track, that you are ‘on purpose’ in your journey through life.

True happiness is inner joy, that deep and genuine joy which lasts forever. It comes from being in resonance with your inner purpose, with your inner self.

Your inner self is your soul, the part of you which lives forever, the part of you that is always there to help, guide and protect you.

Within this inner soul burns the flame which connects you to the entire cosmos of Creation. It is your connection to Infinite Being, to the All That Is.

In this heart of your spiritual connection lies a wonderful essence. This is the essence of spirituality and joyful living. As your conscious connection with this essence grows, so does your level of happiness.

A connected life is a purposeful and rewarding life. It is one where you apply your efforts exploring the exact situations that you came here on Earth to experience. With love and wisdom, you transform these situations into lasting success.

Through life, you experience the endless variety of Creation. Through life, you journey back to that source from which you came. Through life, you find the inner flame which is the key to eternal joy and happiness.

*For the definitive work on peace and happiness, see Owen Waters’ book, Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise

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The Journey Through Human Experience

by Owen Waters

In this physical world, the entire range of human experience varies all the way from Caveman to Cosmic consciousness.


Cosmic consciousness







As revealed in my first book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, much of the 20th century was devoted to the fifth stage of human consciousness, which is intellectual development.

Intellectual development

Today, people are migrating in droves to the next stage of human growth, which is community-aware, heart-centered consciousness.

To put that in terms of the different density layers of existence, humanity is currently in upper third density (“Upper 3D”) and is transitioning into lower fourth density (“Lower 4D”). The stages of human consciousness and the density layers of existence relate to each other as follows.

The Material Tier of Density Bands of Consciousness

Stage 1. Upper 1D Survival instinct
Stage 2. Lower 2D Tribal grouping
Stage 3. Upper 2D Courage and exploration
Stage 4. Lower 3D Hierarchical order
Stage 5. Upper 3D Intellect and physical science
Stage 6. Lower 4D Community awareness

The Spiritual Tier of Density Bands of Consciousness

Stage 7. Upper 4D Unconditional love
(Note: Some people cause confusion by using the term “5D” or “the Fifth Dimension” to describe the characteristics of Upper Fourth Density.)
Stage 8. Lower 5D Inspiration and intuition
(Note: Your superconscious soul body is based in Lower 5D, which is a nonphysical density.)
Stage 9. Upper 5D Higher mental development
Stage 10. Lower 6D Spiritual enlightenment
Stage 11. Upper 6D The angelic realm
Stage 12. Lower 7D Cosmic consciousness

If my Mind is in 4D, Why is my Body Still in 3D?

While your mind can freely move up and down the frequency scale, your physical body is anchored to the vibrational frequency of the physical body of the planet. The planet, currently in upper third density, is at the borderline of the transition from 3D into 4D physical existence (happening soon – see Ascension to a Higher World), which is why life today is so full of rapid change.

Avoiding the Trap of Making Comparisons

In the physical world, humans can experience the entire range of physical experience and take as many incarnations as they need to achieve this. Although people work their way from the lower frequencies to the higher ones, it is best to avoid thinking of some people as ‘better’ than others because to do so drops you back into the limitation of Stage 4 hierarchical thinking.

A more practical way of looking at the different frequencies of consciousness is to visualize a piano keyboard. The C octave actually is directly related to the 12 stages of human consciousness. Middle C resonates to stage 1 survival consciousness, while the next 11 notes correspond exactly to stages 2-12 of human consciousness.

Piano octave – C D E F G A B

There are 7 major keys in the C octave and 5 minor keys. They all have equal function in the musical performance. Nobody thinks of the B key as better than the A key, even though it does have a higher frequency.

You could also think of the journey through human experience as being like a train ride, with many stopping places to see along the way to the final destination. If you chose to take a train ride from New York to San Francisco, for example, you might follow this route:

New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Charleston West Virginia, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake City, Reno, Sacramento, and, finally, the San Francisco area.

Along the way, it doesn’t matter which stage you have reached, so much as the sights, the experiences, and the joy that you gain from the experience. The soul of a person stopping in Philadelphia is no different than the soul of a person stopping in Sacramento.

Life is a package of experiences. Every stage along the way has equal value. And, when you get to San Francisco, you might just turn around and take the train back again, just to get more of the same experiences.

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Reincarnation Pattern Changes

by Owen Waters

In my latest e-book, Ascension to a Higher World, I pointed out that we are getting very close to the long-awaited global ascension to a higher realm of physical existence. What I didn’t mention until now is that this event will remove the main reason for today’s high level of population growth.

While there are many reasons for the availability of more bodies into which to incarnate, these are all manifestations of the soul urge for reincarnation at this time. As always, soul demand and intention precedes physical manifestation.

One of the big soul factors behind the scenes for today’s population growth is what might be called incarnational tourists. The universe is a big place and these souls, who normally incarnate on a wide variety of other planets, learned of the coming big event on planet Earth. The Shift from physical 3D to physical 4D will be of huge value to their collection of life experiences.

So, the tourists headed over here, looking for any opportunity to incarnate into the biggest event in tens of thousands of years. Even if they are born here and then pass on into the afterlife before the physical ascension happens, they will still experience the afterlife version of the sudden upgrade in frequency.

Basically, just as it says in the Bible, the dead shall be risen first, then the living shall be raised up. That is, physical beings will be raised up into the frequency band vacated by the afterlife beings who will have been risen, as explained in my Ascension to a Higher World e-book.

Besides the population increase caused by incarnational tourist traffic, people who usually incarnate on planet Earth have been adding to the recent population growth by speeding up their rate of incarnation. In the last 300 years, instead of the usual schedule of maybe one incarnation, people have been engaged in rapid reincarnation, returning two, three, or even four times to experience as much as they can in these days of intense transformation.

Add to that yet another factor in today’s high population. Multiple incarnations of the same soul in the same time period. Lightworkers tend not to favor this as it splits the attention of the soul, weakening the focus available for their prime purpose. Some people, however, want to gain multiple perspectives during era of The Shift, so they incarnate in two or more bodies at different locations on the planet.

What Happens Next

So, what happens when the big ascension event is over? Obviously the tourists won’t be looping back around, looking for another incarnation. Even the locals will have had the peak experience of their lives on earth. Consider also that there are two types of locals:

1) Starseeds – advanced souls who came to earth anytime in the last few thousand years as lightworkers to help the population make it through the upcoming Shift to higher consciousness. Guess where those souls are going after the big event? Back home to the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, and who-knows-where, happy to be older and wiser than when they left.

2) Souls who are still training within the 3D physical experience cycle. As there are potentially 288 incarnations in one full learning cycle (and some souls end up needing to repeat the cycle and go around again), there can be much need for learning still ahead for these younger souls. So, they’ll line up for reincarnation on the ascended earth, right?

No, the rules will change because physical life on Earth will be in 4D, not the 3D that they are in the process of learning to master through experience. There will no longer be a 3D Earth, but the galaxy is full of human-friendly planets with 3D availability. So, do we know where the 3D souls will go for their next incarnations?

Mass Dreams of the Future

Here’s one source of insights on that subject. A picture of the possibilities for more 3D experiences emerged in the 1980s book, Mass Dreams of the Future. It details the results of a research project that was undertaken where hundreds of seminar attendees were progressed (rather than regressed) through hypnosis into the future (rather than the past) to see what their future lives would be like in the time period 2100 – 2500 AD. Author Chet Snow summarized the results of this research project, which had been conducted by hypnosis expert Helen Wambach assisted by himself.

Of those subjects reporting that they are to be physically incarnate in those future time zones, they found that the information correlated remarkably well into certain categories. These showed common themes in the different living environments viewed in those future incarnations.

1. New Age-types who lived an ecological lifestyle in harmony with the Earth (and with high-tech comforts). This was an idyllic picture of a new lifestyle in ascended 4D.

2. In-space dwellers and people who lived on other planets – those in ascended 4D choosing to use their rapidly-evolving technology to becomes explorers and pioneers.

3. Isolated cases of individuals living in the remains of once-great cities. Well, even after ascension, some people prefer the old places and the old ways, even though most people moved away to live in the beauty of nature.

4. A world of dome-covered cities. Now, this is obviously the version of future living that shows life on a new 3D planet where 3D-focused souls will go to continue their paths of learning.

In sharp contrast to the green earth of the New Age category, this is a world where people will live under domes that offer protection against what will initially be an unbreathable outside atmosphere. It becomes a clean atmosphere later (after the 2100 AD era), but this is obviously not the same planet as the green, New Age Earth which will exist in 4D, but no longer in 3D.

Then, at a later incarnational date, the subjects reported that humans on the 3D dome-cities planet were able to venture outside of the domes into the newly-clean atmosphere and make rural life possible. They were then able to farm the land, initially in a low-tech way similar to the 1800s on Earth and later with the help of machines. At that point, they observed that the dome cities were still in use by people who preferred the controlled-climate cities rather than living out in the country with its seasons and weather variations.

The Lightworker Mission

Whatever the future brings in the decades and centuries ahead, our present focus is on the imminent ascension of the planet from 3D into physical 4D. As lightworkers, the need for our support and guidance for others is critical in these days of great change prior to the big Shift.

You can gain personal support in this from my e-book, The Lightworker Mission, which reminds you of why you came to Earth and provides powerful techniques for unlocking knowingness and the healing of yourself and others.

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The Story of Creation

by Owen Waters

Stories and myths of Creation from around the world share a common thread. Most of them start with a division, a splitting of the original One into two complementary parts so that Creation could be achieved.

In ancient Egypt, more than 5,000 years ago, Creation was said to have occurred when the power of thought made light arise above the abyss. Here the two components before the creation of light were 1) thought, and 2) an already-created abyss of empty space.

In ancient Greece, the universe was said to have been a place without light until Eros (Love) arose, bringing light and order. Here we have intent and feeling bringing light into being.

In ancient Aztec culture an original ‘Lord’ and ‘Lady’ were said to have brought into existence all things. People throughout history have more easily understood the idea of father and mother figures behind Creation rather than the idea of original principles, or facets, of the one Creator. The Holy Trinity of Christianity includes both ideas – God the Father is the creative principle while the Holy Spirit is the love that permeates all space.

Hinduism, the origin of which predates recorded history, recognizes an original or Absolute state as the one ultimate state of being behind all things. Then, from the Absolute, sprang forth the principles of Creation. These principles are portrayed as the personalities of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Brahma symbolizes the aspect of the Absolute that brings forth the works of Creation. Vishnu represents the aspect that preserves and sustains the universe – an all-pervasive love, in other words. Shiva represents the aspect that brings motion into the universe, making possible the creation, and the decay, of objects in the physical world.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share the same historic roots. In the Book of Genesis, it is said that Creation began when God created the heavens and the earth and then said, “Let there be light.” Notice that this initial act of Creation came before the creation of the stars and the creation of our Sun. Therefore, these initial instances of the words ‘heavens’ and ‘earth’ need to be taken metaphorically, not literally. The ‘earth’ was said to be formless and empty, like a pre-creational void, as the Spirit of God hovered over the ‘waters’ of the formless deep. So, here we have:

1) The intent of God the Creator, hovering over:

2) The formless deep of a universe-to-be. This ‘formless deep’ referred to the universe, not to the Earth, because the stars (and therefore the Earth) had not yet been formed. Then, later, all possibilities began with:

3) “Let there be light.” This is where motion was applied in order to activate the hollow shell of the universe. This, then, made all of Creation possible, including the stars, the planets, their biospheres, and all that they contain.

The common thread in all of the above stories of Creation is this: Intent and love together created a universe in the form of a void, an abyss. Intent and love were then set into motion in order to bring light and life into the void.

All of these stories of Creation are thousands of years old. Historically, they were told to people who believed that the Earth was all there was to the extent of the Creation. In general, they had not yet gained an appreciation that the stars in the sky were actually other suns in the remote distance.

Today, we have a much better appreciation of the vastness of Creation. Our Milky Way galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars, each of them capable of supporting a number of planets.

In comparison, the size of the universe is staggering. As of 2021, astronomers announced that there are approximately 2 trillion galaxies in the universe and that gives an estimated 200 billion trillion stars.

That’s 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe!

It stands to reason that the Creator of all of this vastness is an entity much larger than that which was created. Infinite Being is a consciousness so huge that the entire universe is held within its awareness and focus, within its conscious embrace.

Infinite Being is all things, it is all potential. As a state of being, it fundamentally does not “do,” it just is. Infinite Being is the ultimate state of being. However, at some point, Infinite Being decided to ‘become,’ rather than just ‘be.’ It decided to manifest its potential, and then to act out every part of that potential.

In order to achieve this original Creation, Infinite Being divided its consciousness. In one direction, it focused intent. In another direction, it focused its love, or its feeling. Then, in a third direction it applied action, or motion, so that the two facets of itself – intent and feeling – could interact with each other as intertwined waves of consciousness in motion.

In this way, Infinite Being extended itself from just being, into a state of action. This extension of itself had become what we call the original Creator. The One Creator has three facets, a triad of intent, feeling and motion. The existence of motion in this creative triad makes the One Creator an action-oriented projection of the original, non-moving, all-potential state of Infinite Being.

And yet, nothing specific had been created up to this point. There was, however, the potential for everything to be created. For this, a stage needed to be set, upon which Infinite Being could express itself as an infinite variety of possibilities and witness itself from an infinite variety of viewpoints. In order to provide that stage, the universe was created.

First, the concept of space was intended within the consciousness of Infinite Being. Next, this hollow, original shell of a potential universe was filled with love. Then, life was ‘breathed’ into the void when motion was added to it.

With the setting of the universe into motion, the ‘light’ had come. It filled all of space with infinite pathways of potential primary energy and, later, the potential for matter and all that matter could become.

Today, we find ourselves living out the latest adventure in the infinite experiences of existence. As facets of Infinite Being, we are each here to experience life as we see it from our individual, unique viewpoints.

You, as the soul within, are the observer of life. While you are busy with life in the physical world, it may seem difficult to connect with your spiritual aspect, your soul. But to do this means that you are connecting directly with the observer within and seeing the purpose in all aspects of your life. That is why the most rewarding part of the day is the time that you set aside for regular meditation. With inner support and guidance, your path through life becomes clear and filled with purpose.

If you haven’t already done so, make the time to practice meditation at the start of each day. A habit very soon becomes a routine, and this is one that very soon becomes the highlight of each day.

For further support, the e-book Higher Consciousness is highly recommended.

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Higher Energies: The Ether and Etheric Energy

by Owen Waters

The ether and etheric energy sound like the same thing. Many people today think they are the same. Yet, they are as distinct and dissimilar as chalk and cheese or, to use a more appropriate comparison, magnetic energy and electric energy.

The confusion arises because the ether – the fabric of the universe – seethes with etheric energy, but that energy is not the medium through which it travels. The medium is the ether or, to use its more traditional spelling, the aether.

As an analogy, a battery is not so much a source of electric energy as the medium in which that energy is stored. If you drain away the energy, the medium still remains because the battery is not the energy. Likewise, the aether is the field of support for the active etheric energy which courses through the universe.

Let’s look at exactly how the aether and etheric energy differ from one another.

The Aether

The aether was the name given to a subtle energy field that fills all space and therefore provides a carrier medium for light energy to travel through the great void of space between the Sun and the Earth.

Then, over a century ago, an experiment which attempted to prove the existence of the aether failed. Rather than admit to faulty assumptions, the scientists of the day declared that the aether must not exist.

This conclusion ran counter to common sense. After all, if ocean waves travel through water and sound waves travel through air, then light waves must travel through something.

So, what is the something that is waving?

Meanwhile, the aether was replaced by a new name for the fabric of space: Spacetime. It was a concept that scientists agreed upon as a brilliant substitute, even if it made no sense to anyone else.

Today, the aether is back. Under a new name, of course. Today, it’s called the Higgs Field, and its existence has been proven using no less than the high-energy particle accelerator at CERN. Naturally, as a promoter of truth, Professor Higgs (now retired) was shunned and scorned for decades before his theory was proven by the persistence of some other brave souls.

So, what do we call this field, this fabric of space? The aether again? The Higgs Field? Personally, I prefer using Lynne McTaggart’s 2003 book title, which inquires into its nature and simply calls it The Field, with a capital “F.”

The Field is a primary form of magnetism. It is a subtle magnetic fluid that can be distorted or compressed like a gas and it can flow through the poles of a bar magnet in a highly condensed form. As a magnetic energy, it is attractive in nature. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.

The Field is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space.

The Field is the fabric of space.

Etheric Energy

Next, we turn to etheric energy. Many people have investigated this universal life energy. They have given it names like zero point energy, prana, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, quintessence or the fifth element, odic force, cold electricity, scalar energy, tachyon energy, vacuum energy, radiant energy… the list goes on.

As a more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

Etheric energy is universal life energy

Etheric energy in healing

Etheric energy is the life energy that passes from a spiritual healer to another person. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns. Without it, all life as we know it would quickly wind down to a halt.

The inevitable mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy lies the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations. Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today’s third-world suffering.

Scientists who study the structure of the universe are actually already on the trail of etheric energy: Something is producing 80 percent of the gravity at play in the universe. They haven’t been able to see what it is, so they call it ‘dark energy.’ The existence of dark energy – and its product, dark matter – is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23 percent of the universe consists of dark matter and 73 percent of the universe consists of dark energy.

When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant – a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies – sees the same night sky filled with light.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive, but it has been done before, and with breakthrough results. For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top research scientists of all time did exactly this. Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants could see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.

Carl von Reichenbach

So, for his experiments, he hired a group of skilled clairvoyants to describe to him what they could see. He cataloged the appearance and behavior of etheric energy, which he called the ‘odic force,’ around substances such as crystals, magnets, wood and metals.

Today, a cosmologist could, if they dared to be that adventurous, ask a skilled clairvoyant what they see in the clear, night sky. The clairvoyant would report that they see the etheric energies that surge through the universe. To their subtle perception, etheric energy does not appear in the least bit dark. In fact, it glows brightly with the light of its own life energy. To them, the night sky is filled with a brilliant interplay of pure and magical etheric light.

It is high time that more pioneers take mundane physics through a leap into metaphysics – the science of energies more subtle than physical electricity and physical magnetism. A voyage of discovery is waiting.

*The above is one of the many chapters in my recent e-book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.

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