Author Archives: Owen

Higher Energies: The Ether and Etheric Energy

by Owen Waters

The ether and etheric energy sound like the same thing. Many people today think they are the same. Yet, they are as distinct and dissimilar as chalk and cheese or, to use a more appropriate comparison, magnetic energy and electric energy.

The confusion arises because the ether – the fabric of the universe – seethes with etheric energy, but that energy is not the medium through which it travels. The medium is the ether or, to use its more traditional spelling, the aether.

As an analogy, a battery is not so much a source of electric energy as the medium in which that energy is stored. If you drain away the energy, the medium still remains because the battery is not the energy. Likewise, the aether is the field of support for the active etheric energy which courses through the universe.

Let’s look at exactly how the aether and etheric energy differ from one another.

The Aether

The aether was the name given to a subtle energy field that fills all space and therefore provides a carrier medium for light energy to travel through the great void of space between the Sun and the Earth.

Then, over a century ago, an experiment which attempted to prove the existence of the aether failed. Rather than admit to faulty assumptions, the scientists of the day declared that the aether must not exist.

This conclusion ran counter to common sense. After all, if ocean waves travel through water and sound waves travel through air, then light waves must travel through something.

So, what is the something that is waving?

Meanwhile, the aether was replaced by a new name for the fabric of space: Spacetime. It was a concept that scientists agreed upon as a brilliant substitute, even if it made no sense to anyone else.

Today, the aether is back. Under a new name, of course. Today, it’s called the Higgs Field, and its existence has been proven using no less than the high-energy particle accelerator at CERN. Naturally, as a promoter of truth, Professor Higgs (now retired) was shunned and scorned for decades before his theory was proven by the persistence of some other brave souls.

So, what do we call this field, this fabric of space? The aether again? The Higgs Field? Personally, I prefer using Lynne McTaggart’s 2003 book title, which inquires into its nature and simply calls it The Field, with a capital “F.”

The Field is a primary form of magnetism. It is a subtle magnetic fluid that can be distorted or compressed like a gas and it can flow through the poles of a bar magnet in a highly condensed form. As a magnetic energy, it is attractive in nature. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.

The Field is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space.

The Field is the fabric of space.

Etheric Energy

Next, we turn to etheric energy. Many people have investigated this universal life energy. They have given it names like zero point energy, prana, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, quintessence or the fifth element, odic force, cold electricity, scalar energy, tachyon energy, vacuum energy, radiant energy… the list goes on.

As a more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

Etheric energy is universal life energy

Etheric energy in healing

Etheric energy is the life energy that passes from a spiritual healer to another person. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns. Without it, all life as we know it would quickly wind down to a halt.

The inevitable mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy lies the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations. Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today’s third-world suffering.

Scientists who study the structure of the universe are actually already on the trail of etheric energy: Something is producing 80 percent of the gravity at play in the universe. They haven’t been able to see what it is, so they call it ‘dark energy.’ The existence of dark energy – and its product, dark matter – is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23 percent of the universe consists of dark matter and 73 percent of the universe consists of dark energy.

When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant – a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies – sees the same night sky filled with light.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive, but it has been done before, and with breakthrough results. For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top research scientists of all time did exactly this. Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants could see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.

Carl von Reichenbach

So, for his experiments, he hired a group of skilled clairvoyants to describe to him what they could see. He cataloged the appearance and behavior of etheric energy, which he called the ‘odic force,’ around substances such as crystals, magnets, wood and metals.

Today, a cosmologist could, if they dared to be that adventurous, ask a skilled clairvoyant what they see in the clear, night sky. The clairvoyant would report that they see the etheric energies that surge through the universe. To their subtle perception, etheric energy does not appear in the least bit dark. In fact, it glows brightly with the light of its own life energy. To them, the night sky is filled with a brilliant interplay of pure and magical etheric light.

It is high time that more pioneers take mundane physics through a leap into metaphysics – the science of energies more subtle than physical electricity and physical magnetism. A voyage of discovery is waiting.

*The above is one of the many chapters in my recent e-book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.

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Thoughtspeed: The Speed of Thought in Free Space

by Owen Waters

Old ideas give way to new ones. Old barriers, sooner or later, crumble and fade away.

One idea that is crumbling today is the idea that nothing in the universe can go faster than lightspeed. This will be replaced by a recognition that thought travels many thousands of times faster than lightspeed – at the speed of thought in free space, or thoughtspeed.

In the early Star Trek series on television, the mission of the Starship Enterprise was to explore the universe and boldly go where no one has gone before. The Enterprise was able to exceed light speed; quite considerably, it would seem, as it was supposed to have traveled to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy in just a few hours. The cruising speed actually required for such a fast journey is millions of times lightspeed.

Science fiction is often a medium for possibility thinking. The possibility of humans touring the galaxy and beyond seems eminently reasonable. After all, human potential is, by design, unlimited. There is no way in creation that the universe can be just a set of pretty lights that we never get to explore!

Today, the shift towards recognizing thoughtspeed is just beginning. Faster-than-light phenomena are being observed by today’s physicists when they see the effects of subatomic particles communicating with each other. When a subatomic particle bumps into another one, they become ‘friends’ and carry on communicating with each other. The fact that they then become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate. When something happens to one particle, it lets the other particle know about it and, in pure empathy, it reacts in a like manner.

We know from the work of insightful pioneers like biologist Rupert Sheldrake that telepathy works, but how fast does it work? As thoughts are nonphysical, they certainly are not limited by lightspeed. The question is, how much faster than light is the speed of thought in free space? It is likely thousands of times, and possibly millions of times, faster.

In 2013, scientists used the latest in high-speed measuring devices to gain an idea of how fast energy particles communicate with each other across a 15 km (9 mile) distance. The equipment is still not sophisticated enough to produce a definite figure, but they did determine that the speed of particle communication is at least 10,000 times faster than the speed of light.

What’s next? Send particles over really long distances… like to the Moon? Then, when an earthbound particle reacts at thoughtspeed to its friend’s change of state as it reaches the Moon, you’d have a much better idea of the true speed of thought in free space.

In the 1940s, aircraft were limited to the speed of sound until they found a way through the sound barrier and were then able to travel at supersonic speeds. One day, when our spaceship propulsion drives are capable of accelerating ships to lightspeed, we will find a way for them to break the light barrier.

Then, we won’t be just looking up at the night sky any more. We’ll be flying through it, going where no one has gone before.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Spiritual Aliveness

by Owen Waters

Spiritual aliveness is the result of making your spirituality the day’s number one priority. Achieving this is fairly simple – as simple as being aware of one or two secrets of the universe and then setting your intention for each day.

Life is an expression of your spiritual self. You are here to gain experience on a grand scale. The small details of daily existence may not seem important, but they are all threads in the grand scheme of the life that you, as your inner self, planned before you were born.

It makes sense, therefore, to begin each day by becoming charged with the best supply of life energy available. Then you can make the most of each day’s experiences as they unfold. Life energy, or etheric energy, is the main energy transmitted by the Sun. The Sun also radiates physical energy, such as light and heat, but the amount of physical energy pales in comparison to the amount of life-supporting, etheric energy which courses through our bodies.

At dawn each day, the Sun brings a great change to your local environment. The swing from darkness to light at dawn causes a turbulence in the ethers as the life energy in the atmosphere reorganizes itself for a day of new activity. Sunrise is the time of nature’s awakening. It is the best possible time to recharge yourself for each new day of activity. Even if the sky is cloudy, the universal life energy comes streaming through your environment.

By beginning your day with a connection to the Sun’s energy, you are actually aligning with the natural system of Creation. Infinite Being constantly feeds the universe with life energy in order to maintain all motion in the universe. Infinite Being sends the energy needed to maintain life through the central sun of the universe. From there, it works its way through the central suns of the galaxies and then through the suns of each solar system. Local suns radiate physical energy in addition to life energy.

In a world where people’s main focus on life comes through their five physical senses, the Sun takes on a great significance.

The Sun is the closest thing to Infinite Being, the essence of God, within our sight.

What better way to start your day, than to breath in the power of this mighty orb as it awakens you and your surroundings to the energy of the new day?

Here’s how to achieve this, with one simple addition to the Infinite Being Meditation technique:

On each in-breath, visualize white light, representing life energy from the Sun, coming into your body via your nostrils. See this white light as filling your entire body every time you inhale.

This fills your whole being with extra life energy because air is a carrier medium for etheric energy. Etheric energy is highly responsive to directed mental pressure so, once the air is inside your lungs, the power of your visualization can be used to direct the life energy to fill your entire body. The energy will automatically follow your mental direction.

Here is the Infinite Being Meditation technique, revised to include the life energy charging technique:

1. Focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.

2. Visualize each in-breath as white light filling your body. Then, at the top of each in-breath, mentally repeat once the affirmation “I am Infinite Being.”

3. On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take longer than each in-breath.

4. Hold the breath out of the body for a short time. In this quiet space, don’t think, just be. Become quietly aware of thoughts and impressions that may arise from your inner self. The end of each breath cycle thus becomes your personal communion space with your inner being.

5. Return to active intention by starting the breath cycle again at step 1.

Start each day with a twenty-minute meditation and charging session. Start ten minutes before dawn. If dawn is at, say, approximately 7:10 am, then you would plan to start your day with meditation from 7:00 – 7:20 am.

Reorganize your daily schedule around the most important natural event of the day. The deeper connection to your inner being is well worth the effort. At least once a week, check when sunrise occurs by referring to the news media, or to weather sites such as Then you can be in tune with the greatest cosmic forces of revitalization that occur each and every day.

Make meditation at dawn your number one priority of the day. Then everything that follows will be more energized and more in tune with who you really are.

Energetically, the highlight of every day is dawn. It is truly a magical time.

* Owen Waters’ latest book, Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise, is available in paperback and e-book format, at:

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The Creation of Evolution

by Owen Waters

Life is hard. Species can die.

In fact, the human race would have died long ago if it weren’t for the fact that our bodies are designed to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Evolution could be called adaptation, because the ability to adapt is the one feature that keeps all life upon Earth alive and functioning.

In the laboratory, it has been noted that a frog can be heated in a beaker of water to a degree that would normally be fatal, but it remains alive because it has had the time to adapt to the increasing temperature. Had the frog been suddenly exposed to water of such high temperature, it would have been unable to survive.

Charles Darwin, the pioneer of evolution theory, was a trained minister of religion as well as a naturalist. He thought long and hard about releasing his findings about the natural evolution of the species because he was keenly aware of the materialistic element in society which would use this information against religion. He was right, of course.

Others used his work to claim that there was no need for divine selection when natural selection occurs automatically. They have since gone on to claim that all life could have risen from prehistoric sludge completely by accident. What they don’t even begin to explain, however, is the existence of consciousness in all of this.

Consciousness is necessary for natural selection and adaptation to occur. If you move from a hot climate to a cold climate, you will adapt to the new environment, but first you had to have the consciousness to decide upon the move and make the adjustment.

What is consciousness? It is certainly more than a few electrical signals bouncing around inside a brain. Computers can mimic some limited aspects of the brain such as human logic, but they are not self-aware. There isn’t a computer in the world that can think for itself. Computers just follow sets of preset rules, and they do so as quickly as possible.

Behind all forms of consciousness is awareness. A sense of being is fundamental to all life because all life is constructed from consciousness. Even a solid object like a rock is composed of original thought and original feeling set into motion. All of life is contained within the consciousness of the original Creator, including the prehistoric sludge from which the first biological cells were formed.

Materialistic science today is in a cul-de-sac. There is no way forward for branches of science which fail to include consciousness in their theories. Consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of life. You can’t have a universe without it.

Human beings were originally designed and then evolved within the framework of a conscious universe, one created and developed by the original Creator. It took billions of years for planets to form and biological life to emerge and evolve, but remember this: Time is a creation of the Creator.

The Creator does not have to wait billions of years to see a biological process emerge. Everything happens in the Now – just different parts of the tapestry of time, which the Creator sees as a whole.

The whole design, inception, development and evolution of the universe is happening right now, within that overview, as seen by the original Creator. A little tweak here and there along the timeline can produce a perfect rendition of any form of biological life.

Life is too interesting to create in one Big Bang and then just watch it unfold, as if on auto-pilot. Life is a work in progress, a true work of art, and the Creator has the ability to make adjustments at any point along the timelines.

Science today searches for answers, but what it really needs is a valid search path.

Life did not begin by accident. It began by design.

Those branches of science which include the presence of consciousness will find the answers that they seek when they include the existence of original consciousness and intelligent design in their search.

*Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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Decoding the Tao

by Owen Waters

Long ago, the first time I read the ancient Tao Te Ching (pronounced “Dow Day Jing”), I ran into so many apparent contradictions that I felt like I was going cross-eyed with confusion!

I have not been alone in that type of feeling. To most Western minds, the nature of the Tao is a huge mystery that makes little or no obvious sense. I ran into statements that suggested that the Tao was manifest as everything in the world and, yet, the Tao was nothing and nowhere. Well, which is it, I thought, everywhere or nowhere?

The problem lies with the limitations placed on Western translators, as they are part of a cultural tradition which rarely teaches that there is an original state of unchanging, perfect beingness that lies behind even the Creator.

In the 6th Century BC, the sage Lao Tse (“Lay-OTE-say”) is said to have written the Tao Te Ching, which became fundamental to philosophical Taoism. The word Tao is usually interpreted as meaning The Way, although it can also mean The Principle or The Doctrine. However, none of these interpretations address its true nature.

Lao Tse was reluctant to even name the Tao, as giving it a name weakened its basic concept of silent unchangeability, so he actually preferred to refer to it as ‘the nameless.’

There are over 100 translations of the Tao Te Ching in English. One apt interpretation of the meaning of the title is, “The book of the way of Divine inner power.”

Translators to English find themselves forced beyond literal translation and into interpretation because characters written in the original Chinese often have multiple meanings and need to be distinguished in context with one other. Because of this, the original intent of the message may not even be immediately apparent.

For example, they face literal translations of sentences like this:

“Name named not eternal/unchanging name.”

It takes an understanding of the concept first before the meaning becomes clear. This passage points to the concept that the Tao is ‘the nameless’ which encompasses the universe, while the universe itself is filled with what Lao Tse often refers to as ‘the ten thousand things’ or the manifestations of the Tao. We give names to objects in the material world and that which is beyond all things is referred to as ‘the nameless.’

The Tao, by definition, existed before Heaven and Earth. It is said to be still, formless, standing alone and undergoing no change. It is both larger than the largest thing and it is within the smallest object.

The part that really trips Western translators up is the idea that the Tao is simultaneously perfectly still and yet constantly moving. Ideas like this are confusing enough to stop a logical mind, short-circuit some brain cells, and make smoke start to curl slowly up out of a person’s ears!

In Western culture, we generally lack an appreciation of the original nature of God as unchanging beingness. In our action-oriented culture, we think of the Creator as the One God. Typically, unless you studied Eastern philosophies or some branches of metaphysics, then you were never made aware of the state of beingness which is behind even the One Creator. The Tao is the unchanging, perfect consciousness which is behind all things. The Tao is pure, tranquil beingness, and it formed the Creator as the aspect of itself which would take action and experience change.

Taoism is not alone in studying the original, unchanging beingness behind all things. The same concept appears in Hinduism as the still, silent Brahman, or Godhead, behind the creative Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching gives the Taoist version:

The Tao produced the One.
The One produced the Two.
The Two produced the Three.
The Three produced all things.

This means that the unchanging beingness produced the One Creator. This aspect then saw that it was necessary (using Genesis terminology) to divide the ‘waters’ of its consciousness into two aspects. These different and complementary aspects were the principles of thought and feeling. A third aspect was still needed, which was the principle of motion, which allowed the command, “Let there be light!” to create the original template of the universe. The three aspects of the triune nature of the Creator then worked in harmony to create the universe and all material within it.

Students of modern metaphysics are familiar with the concept of a beingness which is behind all things. It has been referred to as the Absolute, the Isness, the ‘I Am’ Presence, and ‘the All That Is which is behind all things.’ My own choice of words is Infinite Being. All of these terms refer to the same perfect, unchanging beingness which is behind everything.

The universe exists within the field of silent consciousness of Infinite Being, so its essence is within everything in the world. That silent Isness is the ground state of consciousness behind all life. Because of its silent, unmoving nature it could be referred to as being ‘nothing and nowhere,’ at least to our physical sense of awareness.

The Creator and its creation exist within Infinite Being. Therefore, Infinite Being is within all things. The unchanging is within everything in the changing world. Yet, our physical senses will never detect this underlying, unchanging oneness. It is only through developing an inner connection that we will discover that which is behind all things.

The Tao is manifest as everything and yet the Tao, in the world of material senses, appears to be nothing and nowhere. So, the message of the Tao Te Ching is to develop an inner connection with that which is real and then the manifest world – this world which is unreal in comparison – begins to make sense.

*Owen Waters is the author of Spirituality Made Simple.

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More About Spiritual Light

by Owen Waters

Last week’s article, The Healing Power of Spiritual Light, defined the natures of spiritual light and spiritual darkness.

It stated that spiritual darkness is the absence of spiritual light. Spiritual darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real. Evil is an illusion because a shadow is not a real thing. Light is the real thing. A shadow is really no more than an illusion caused by the absence of light.

This article raised two main questions. One was for clarification about which chakra light flows through in the second law of spiritual light. The other was to ask why people suffer at all.

The Laws of Spiritual Light, again, are:

1. The transformative ability of spiritual light is proportional to the frequency of the consciousness used to project it.

2. The amount of spiritual light projected is proportional to the degree of openness of the chakra through which it flows.

Spiritual light law number two refers to the chakra face which is in use at the time, and it depends upon the frequency of consciousness in use at the time. In my book, The Shift: the Revolution in Human Consciousness, I reveal the twelve faces of the seven major chakras.

Chakra faces are gateways of thought – thoughts that come into you from the global mind atmosphere and from you, back out into the global mind atmosphere. Your frequency of consciousness, at any moment in time, determines which chakra face will be used as the active gateway.

Basically, your chakra system is like a receiving and transmitting radio station, only with frequencies of consciousness. What you do with the consciousness as it flows through you, and is changed by you, is your contribution to the state of the global mind atmosphere.

Much of Western society today functions, on average, through the higher of the two solar plexus chakra faces. This is face number five, which is intellectual-active in function and expresses itself through physical achievement.

Heartfelt consciousness is face number six, the lower heart chakra face, which is holistic-receptive in nature and expresses through the consciousness of caring community. Heart-powered consciousness is the upper heart chakra face, which is holistic-active and expresses itself as a sense of responsible freedom.

Your frequency of consciousness can vary from minute to minute. If you are in a healthy state of unconditional love and acceptance, you are functioning in heart-centered consciousness. If you turn on today’s television news, however, you will soon be tempted to drop into polarity consciousness. While unconditional love is a function of unity and harmony, polarity consciousness – which was named after the opposite poles of a magnet – generates separation, tension and conflict.

Why People Suffer

We live in a world filled with many kinds of darkness, none of which would exist if people were already following their spiritual hearts instead of the illusion of separation.

This world of illusion is constructed so that people appear to be separate from each other. In reality, we are all one.

This world of illusion is constructed so that we reflect on our memories and plan for tomorrow. In reality, time is an illusion that is manufactured in order for dramas to play out. The only reality is now. Now is the only time you have the power to effect change.

This world of illusion is constructed so that people are orphaned from their spiritual source. In reality, we are that source, looking at the created universe from an infinite variety of perspectives.

The great treasure of life in a world of free will is that we eventually learn to stand on our own two feet as self-empowered sparks of that source from which we came.

Once upon a ‘time,’ before time existed, we volunteered to leave our spiritual home and descend into the acute focus which is provided by these dense realms of physicality. After we have worked through the illusions of this theater of life we will become self-empowered spiritual sparks, tempered in the fire of acute experience.

There is a tradition that says that it is hard to complete the cycle of continual rebirth on planet Earth. That idea came into being simply because the time was not yet ripe for The Shift.

The Cosmic Scale of The Shift

Today, the rules are changing. As The Shift unfolds, people are finding themselves faced with imminent transformation into the heart-centered reality that we call the New Reality. The Shift is not confined to planet Earth, nor even to our solar system. It is a transformation which is cosmic in scale. The ethers are alive with an ever-increasing pull which beckons humanity back towards the spiritual home from which we came.

In the cosmic scale of time, today’s phase of the New Reality will pass by in the mere blink of an eye. The New Reality, today’s emerging heart-centered consciousness, is a link to that which lies beyond. In this accelerated cosmic environment, humanity will spend mere centuries in passing through the current New Reality and completing our adventure in physical existence.

As we master heart-centered consciousness, our physical bodies will become lighter in density. We will work through the joy of reconnection with our spiritual source, eventually leaving physicality behind. The only mystery remaining will be why humanity took so long to reach that place of active harmony and joyful expression.

Then, we will return to our spiritual home, very different than before, and very much wiser than when we originally left.

*For further insights into the healing power of spiritual light, see Owen Waters’ latest book, Higher Consciousness, which is now available in paperback and e-book format at:

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The Healing Power of Spiritual Light

by Owen Waters

The Buddha spent many years trying to understand evil and suffering. He eventually concluded that the only real power in the universe is the all-pervasive consciousness of Source, as experienced by all masters who reach nirvana. The world of outer form is illusion in comparison and therefore has little or no power.

He then went on to counsel people to adopt the middle way in order to avoid being sucked into illusion and bringing suffering upon themselves. He saw attachment to things of the world as the source of suffering, so he advised people to be a part of the world, yet not attached to it.

Even though many of today’s teachers quietly ignore the nature of the ultimate state of nirvana, the words of the Buddha still ring as true today as they did 2,500 years ago. And yet… times have changed.

Today’s level of popular consciousness is far beyond that of the relatively dark times of 2,500 years ago. Today, detachment is still excellent advice, but now we can do so much more to consciously transform the old ways of darkness.

Physical darkness is the absence of physical light. The darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real. Likewise, spiritual darkness is the absence of spiritual light. Spiritual darkness itself is not real. It is merely an absence of something that is real.

Evil is an illusion because a shadow is not a real thing. Light is the real thing. A shadow is an illusion caused by the absence of light. The only reality, the only real power, is light itself.

Darkness can only exist in hiding from the light. When light shines in, it dissipates the darkness, making it obvious where the real power lies. Evil has no power in itself. It is only a lack of light. The real power is, and always has been, with the light and not with the shadow.

If you sense darkness, add light.

If you sense pain, add the light of healing energy.

If you sense hatred, add the light of love.

If you sense despair, add the light of hope and trust in the goodness of that source from which we came and that to which we are returning.

The Nature of Spiritual Light

Spiritual light, in its fundamental form, is the omnipresent consciousness of the Creator. When intertwined with the unconditional love of the Creator and set into motion, it manifests as the universe.

Filters can block spiritual light. Such filters include fear, hatred, judgment, conflict and despair. That which engenders any of these is, therefore, promoting darkness. Darkness in consciousness affects mind, body and spirit.

When spiritual light is channeled through the human mind, it adds to the light of the world. Darkness can be healed through the addition of spiritual light.

While spiritual light is universally available in all frequencies, it has to flow through human consciousness in order to affect the human realm of consciousness. The effectiveness of sending healing spiritual light into an area that needs it is subject to the following two laws.

The Laws of Spiritual Light

1. The transformative ability of spiritual light is proportional to the frequency of the consciousness used to project it.

Explanation: Conditioning the intent with any agenda lowers the frequency. Projecting pure spiritual light for the unconditioned purpose of healing humanity raises the frequency and the potential.

2. The amount of spiritual light projected is proportional to the degree of openness of the chakra through which it flows.

Explanation: Your thoughts flow from you to the outside world through the appropriate chakra. Spiritual practices develop the chakras, increasing your capability as a channel for spiritual light.

*For further insights into the healing power of spiritual light, see Owen Waters’ latest book Higher Consciousness, which is now available in paperback and e-book format at:

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How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

by Owen Waters

If there is anything that you dislike about yourself – your body, your mind or your feelings – it is time to clear away that old baggage once and for all.

Tell yourself a totally positive thought, such as:

“I love everything about my body.”

Then, listen for the inner voice of self-criticism to step in and say things like, “except for my weight,” “except for my unmanageable hair,” and so on.

The point of the exercise is to identify opinions and beliefs that you hold at an unconscious level. Bring them up into your conscious mind where you can see them and, then, they can be addressed and healed using the power of Love. That’s Love with a big “L,” as in Unconditional Love.

Here’s how it’s done, using Unconditional Love:

First, you add a phrase onto the end of the criticism. That phrase is, “and I Love myself anyway.” So, if you hear your inner voice say, “except for my weight,” you add, “and I Love myself anyway” right on the end.

In the example of weight being the issue, here is the sequence of events:

1) You stated, “I love everything about my body.”
2) The thought, “except for my weight” came up, thereby revealing its existence.
3) You then respond, “and I Love myself anyway.”

Now, here’s where we come to the magic bit. By the power of Love you can transform and heal the limiting belief, “except for my weight.”

Imagine the thought, “and I Love myself anyway” as a small ball of mental energy and direct it into the energy center of your heart, which is outside of your body, just in front of your breastbone. Feel your heart energy bathing the phrase, “and I Love myself anyway” in its warmth as you mentally repeat it while focused on that energy center.

Then, repeat the positive statement, “I love everything about my body,” and, again, wait for the voice of the inner critic. You may find that the old belief has been dissolved on the first attempt. More likely, however, you will find that it has simply been lessened – that it comes with a less intense negative feeling.

Here’s the key to dissolving negative feelings: Repeat the process a few times and notice how the power of the negative feeling dissipates with each performance of this healing technique. Repeat until it becomes a non-issue.

Now, use this technique to heal other negative ideas. Use another totally positive statement, such as:

“I feel wonderful about myself.”

This will reveal negative emotions and self-criticisms of a nonphysical nature. Use unconditional love again:

Add, “and I Love myself anyway” onto the end of the first criticism that comes up.

Imagine that thought as a small ball of mental energy and direct it into the energy center of your heart, just in front of your breastbone. Feel your heart energy bathing the phrase, “and I Love myself anyway,” in its warmth.

Repeat this positive statement and keep repeating the technique until the criticism has faded into either silence or a non-active emotional state.

Fears are another kind of barrier to higher consciousness. Fear is the opposite of love. Love dissolves fear, just as fear can drive out love.

There is no fear that cannot be dissolved by the application of love energy.

To reveal hidden, inner fears, use the statement:

“I feel safe at all times and in all places.”

You may discover, or remember, that you have fears of water, of heights, of flying, all of which can be released with unconditional love.

Once you clear emotional blockages to unconditional love, you are ready to move ahead and glimpse the next adventure in higher consciousness: The deep, intuitive inspiration of soul consciousness.

*Owen Waters is the author of Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise, available now at

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How You Make the World a Better Place

by Owen Waters

One of the mysteries of quantum physics today is the fact that subatomic particles communicate with each other at speeds far greater than the speed of light. Apparently they weren’t listening to Einstein when he said that they’re not supposed to be able to do that.

This phenomenon came to light in 1982 at the University of Paris, where it was shown that related photons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart, they say. Somehow each particle always seems to instantly know what the other is doing.

Metaphysics – the science of energies beyond the physical – provides the answer because it recognizes the existence of mental energies. It also recognizes that all things are conscious, so let’s rephrase that 1982 experiment in metaphysical terms:

Two photons meet and, like two normal, healthy, conscious entities, they take a liking to each other. Even though one is sent off on a long journey and the other is kept close for observation, they stay in touch. After all, they are friends. When something happens to one, it promptly happens to the other as a sympathetic reaction. Now, because mental energy travels at millions of times the speed of light, their speed of communication is virtually instantaneous. And, yet another mystery is solved by modern metaphysics.

Mental energy is one of the nonphysical energies in Creation. It can be used as an umbrella term to include the energies of both rational thought and emotional feeling. The existence of mental energy in motion should come as no surprise because the universe was created by Original Thought and Original Feeling set into motion.

Every second of every day, your physical brain transmits and receives mental energy to and from the mental atmosphere which surrounds this planet. This globally-shared mind belt is the medium which enables discoveries and inventions to occur at the same time by people who are not in physical contact with each other. For example, the discovery of oxygen was made not by one researcher, but by three different ones in three different countries at the same time. Mathematical calculus was another example. It was created by Newton in England and Liebnitz in Germany at the same time, leading to years of entertaining rivalry.

Have you ever had an idea, then seen other people express or use that same idea? You probably said, “Hey! I thought of that first!” Well, that’s exactly how the mind belt works. It’s an atmosphere that you share with all other sentient beings, but you especially tune in to the topics and frequencies of mind that interest you the most.

Throughout your life, you contribute to the energies of the mind belt and do your part in making the world what it is today. As a spiritually-minded person, you uplift the mind belt because the frequency of heart-centered consciousness is a lot higher than the self-involved thoughts of the statistically average person across the face of the globe. At this point, you may wonder how spiritual people – a smaller portion of the current population – can do much good in a world affected by a lot of materialistic and depressive thinking. The answer may surprise you.

It’s almost as if the Creator stacked the cards in favor of spiritual evolution. As a spiritually-minded person, your higher-frequency thoughts have exponentially more power and influence than thoughts of a lower frequency. By definition, at least 80% of the population has an average effect upon the mind belt. You, however, have a frequency advantage which empowers your influence in the world far more than you may have realized.

Researcher David Hawkins spent years investigating the effects of the whole frequency range of human consciousness and came up with an amazing discovery. As a spiritually-aware person, the influence of your consciousness is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of statistically-average people! This surprising fact presents us with an incredible opportunity to help others and make a very positive difference in the world.

His actual figure was that a person’s consciousness at the entry level to spiritual awareness counter-balances and lifts up the effect of the thoughts of 800,000 people of average consciousness around the world! Imagine what happens when you go beyond the entry level and work every day on your own spiritual growth. Before you know it, you’re helping to uplift tens of millions of people and making the world a distinctly better place than it would have been without the benefit of your presence.

As you raise your consciousness, you contribute exponentially more to the spiritual quality of the global mind. Therefore, your greatest service to humanity is, paradoxically, focusing upon your own spiritual growth. This wonderful level of service to humanity occurs as a direct effect of your consciousness upon a world which has been starved, for so long, of spiritual thought and spiritual energy.

Meanwhile, as you develop ever-higher levels of consciousness, you become more attuned with the soul aspect of your awareness. Operating just above the heart-centered level of consciousness, your soul aspect has the freedom to see beyond the limitations of space and time.

Your soul, as the higher part of your mind, knows the exact details of your life plan and its current status. While your physical brain rests at night, your active awareness rises to this higher level in order to review your life on an ongoing basis.

The key to being on-target with your intended life path each day is to develop soul awareness as your intuitive support for the goals and challenges that you face in your physical life.

Make a decision to develop your spiritual growth on a daily basis. Choose a time for reflection and spiritual practices each and every day. Spend that time increasing your frequency of consciousness by engaging in meditation, spiritual study, energy work, reflection, and the use of sacred essential oils.

As you develop your spiritual knowledge and healing ability, you become able to spread the word of how others can empower their lives and achieve spiritual freedom. With a more developed sense of intuition, you soon learn how to make better choices based upon a growing sense of your innermost joy. Life becomes an inspired dream factory where your highest visions for a better world begin to manifest in the physical reality around you.

*Owen Waters’ latest book is Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise.

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Spiritual Growth

by Owen Waters

Spiritual growth is the growing awareness of a higher level of consciousness.

A higher level of consciousness brings an expanded view of reality.

The more your view of reality expands, the more you are able to integrate any conflicting issues within yourself.

Why It Matters Today

Spiritual growth has become such an urgent issue today because the frequency of everyone’s consciousness is rising. People may not be aware that they are growing. They may resist it. They may be in denial that today’s great changes affect them. Nevertheless, these are the days of great change, an era called the Shift.

The Shift is a steady rise in consciousness which affects the entire planet. It is similar to the cultural shift of the Renaissance, only amplified several times over. The Renaissance was merely a practice run for today’s transformation.

The Shift into higher consciousness is propelling today’s search for spirituality and meaning in life. Spiritual growth involves gaining a deeper sense of inner awareness. Deeper awareness ranges from light meditation to a complete and blissful union with your true, inner self.

Exposure to the deeper states of meditation have the long-term effect of raising your everyday level of awareness. The higher the frequency of your consciousness, the more likely you are to see the synchronicity of events in your life and gain intuitive insights into these.

The universal theme playing out on Earth today is shifting from one of separation to one of integration. Integration means learning how to love and accept yourself, and others, completely and unconditionally.

Deeper awareness opens the door to an inner sense of the connectedness of all life. You begin to see other people as different expressions of the same Infinite Being. Not better than, not less than, just different than yourself. In the deeper awareness of spiritual growth, the universe is seen to be within, not something separate and outside of yourself.

Inner integration is a process that causes issues of separation to arise so that they can be resolved. In society today, issues are coming up so rapidly that society appears to be in turmoil or chaos. This turmoil is actually a great society-wide healing, with issues becoming resolved one after another.

People are becoming more sensitive in many ways as the frequency of consciousness rises. The search for lighter diets is just one manifestation of this new lightness of being.

The physical senses are becoming more acute. An example of this is people’s sensitivity to the smell of cigarette smoke in work places and restaurants. Back in the 1970s, people smoked everywhere and very few noticed any discomfort from it. By the 1990s, however, the majority of people’s sensitivity had changed so much that they couldn’t wait to get smoking banned from indoor gathering places.

With the rise in consciousness comes a rise in personal empowerment. People are no longer willing to tolerate abuse or inequality in any form. Many forms of abuse which were traditionally ignored and tolerated have now come out into the public view for examination and reform.

David: Icon of the Renaissance

The Renaissance movement was inspired by the icon of Michelangelo’s statue of David. The statue portrays David, strong-willed and ready, at the moment that he decides to engage the threat posed by Goliath. This icon of personal empowerment resonated with the cultural shift of the time. People wanted to explore their potential, taking personal initiative in their lives.

Before this, they had seen life as a sequence of events caused by a pre-ordained destiny. Up until that time, people had resigned themselves to a flow of events which they saw as being outside of their control.

When people shifted towards the attitude that they might also be pre-ordained to take some personal initiative, everything began to shift. The floodgates of possibility opened up as people began to explore their true potential.

In that same era, people on Earth still thought that their planet was the center of the universe. The Sun was seen as orbiting around the Earth, and the stars were merely a decorative backdrop in the Creator’s sky.

Today, it is known that the universe measures billions of light years across, contains countless billions of galaxies, with each galaxy typically containing billions of suns. The number of planets in the universe is so large that it makes such an expanded view of reality almost impossible to grasp.

When you consider that all of those trillions of planets were created by one Creator, there is an obvious need for today’s concept of God to expand to fill the new reality. Faced with such a massively expanded view of the universe, how are people supposed to grasp the concept of such a huge Creator in a way that makes sense today?

What would David have done? As he faced the looming Philistine giant Goliath and readied his slingshot, to whom did he pray? Did he invoke the power of an external God for his protection? Possibly, but not likely. As portrayed in the Michelangelo statue, his face was set, but not with a need for protection. It was set in a defiance born of inner strength and determination.

The Power Is Within You

Everyone possesses such inner strength. That same source of incredible personal power is available within everyone, and the source is your inner self. Often referred to as the soul, your inner self is the permanent part of you. While the physical body can pass away from the physical world, and later the spirit body can pass away from the spirit world, your inner self is the real, permanent you.

It is the part of you that is permanently joined with your soul family in vibrant love and harmony. The more you contact your inner self through meditation, the more you can tune into this source of strength, love and harmony.

People’s connection to the Infinite Being always has been through their soul, or inner self.

Inner contact through meditation is the most peaceful, and the most productive, part of any day. Everyone deserves quality time. When quality time becomes the first priority of the day, then meditation will happen regularly and the benefits will automatically be yours.

Put meditation at the top of your To Do list for each day and watch your spiritual growth unfold.

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Transcendent Beingness

by Owen Waters

Releasing old, limiting beliefs can set you free to explore higher states of mind and greater states of abundance. We are here on earth to expand our minds – to literally make our fields of consciousness bigger. Your brain might have a fixed size but your mind is free to rise in frequency and grow to the sky!

There are distinct stages of conscious evolution, progressive steps that have been studied and categorized by social scientists and psychologists. For example, Abraham Maslow (1908-70) was a psychologist who became well known for his Hierarchy of Human Needs.

When he developed his theory in the 1950s, he predicted the transformation of humanity into a realm of spiritual transcendence, but he had no idea just how soon this would develop into a major movement. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs shows that basic human needs have to be fulfilled before people can attend to higher needs and values.

First, the basic physiological needs of food and shelter must be catered for in order to ensure survival.

Next, once food and shelter are obtained, safety and security must be achieved.

Then, acceptance by others is sought, in both the societal and personal senses. To fulfill this belonging need, people become part of a group, a tribe, an extended family, or a community.

When these deficiency-related needs are satisfied, then the individual works to acquire self-respect. Recognition by others produces self-esteem.

Once the outer needs are fulfilled, the inner-directed need for self-actualization comes into play. To self-actualize means to become the best you personally can be. Self-actualized people include those who have achieved material abundance, but also those who, as a decision of personal power, have chosen simplicity over the pursuit of further abundance. At some point, when a person says “That’s enough” to the endless pursuit of additional financial security, then they become free to accomplish anything that most inspires their inner joy.

Self-actualization is achieved after the individual ceases to have deference to hierarchical authority, and instead matures into the ability to make their own rules of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is always more powerful and effective than any system of imposed rules. For example, you can threaten to punish someone if they steal and hope that the threat works. But, a self-responsible person simply wouldn’t steal because they would feel empathy for the loss that a would-be victim would feel. They simply wouldn’t have the heart to do such a thing to another person.

It’s a matter of increased maturity. When a person abandons the pressure of impositions from external authority and becomes their own, self-directed authority, then they become far more functional in the world. This is, in fact, a higher state of consciousness, one which provides a higher vista of awareness. From this expanded vista, they see clearly how they as an individual can best serve humanity.

In this state of awareness, the person acquires the ability to think and analyze situations independently. As a result, new and creative solutions spring to mind. They have enough self-esteem to be able to clearly see their own needs, skills, strengths and weaknesses, and from that they see where they can best be of service to humanity.

Self-actualization is the instinctual need of a human to make the most of their unique abilities. Once outer-focused, basic needs are fulfilled, it arises as the next value to require attention and it relates to being rather than having.

Above self-actualization, Maslow placed transcendence, which he considered a spiritual value. Traditional universities tend to avoid anything truly inspiring, so they present the Maslow Hierarchy of Human Needs differently. They present it with self-actualization as the ultimate human aim, and omit the transcendence stage beyond that.

The being-values of self-actualization and transcendence are the higher, more beautiful aspects of human consciousness. They include unconditional love, altruism, inner joy, a love of nature, the development of intuition (in males as well as females), idealism, and a sense of wisdom which springs from within. These skills develop the right-brain functions of creativity and intuition.

According to Maslow, self-actualizing people share an appreciation for the positive human qualities like truth, artistic beauty, honesty, benevolence, wholeness, simplicity, individuality, fairness, self-sufficiency, and joy-filled playfulness.

In the 1950s, Maslow believed that only 2% of the population had achieved self-actualization. The mid-1960s changed all that when masses of people began the search for the higher values, such as unconditional love and spiritual wisdom. Today, that core group of progressive people has blossomed from 2% to well over 20%, and is climbing every year.

The Shift* is not a temporary by-product of the Baby Boom generation, or any other generation of modern culture. It is not a passing fad. It is not going away. It is a cosmic pressure that is unfolding and relentlessly increasing the frequency of all consciousness upon the planet.

When you enhance your life with regular spiritual practice, you become better able to attune with your soul consciousness. As this progresses, your sense of reasoning merges with your higher intuitive ability to become Intuitive Reason.

To foster the higher levels of consciousness is to grow your mind and therefore the ability to more easily manifest joyful abundance in all aspects of your life.

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, available for immediate download at:

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Connect With Your Deepest Essence

by Owen Waters

Infinite Being is the ground state of consciousness behind all things. It does not move. It does not change. It just is.

It is the awareness behind all things. When you become aware that you are aware, that is the silent essence of Infinite Being within you.

Your normal state of consciousness is in constant motion as you experience life in all its ever-changing forms. However, behind that consciousness-in-motion is the ground state of unmoving, singular awareness.

Infinite Being is that which is beyond all things. It is the state of pure beingness which is beyond all manifestation. It is the silent, unchanging consciousness which is behind all of Creation. It always existed and it always will exist. It is complete within itself. It is infinity in every sense of the word.

Infinite Being is the ‘I Am’ consciousness within you. It has also been called the Absolute, the All That Is, the Godhead, Brahman, the Isness, and the Tao.

Because of its unmoving, pure beingness, some people have been tempted to call it a state of non-being. However, non-being is one of those impossibilities of existence. Everything is conscious, even the tranquil, unruffled state of pure beingness which exists behind all things.

Another impossibility is for you to ever cease to exist. You are; you exist as a unique perspective of Infinite Being. You will never cease to exist. The essence of you is immortal. In the physical world, you come and go, choosing different incarnations in order to experience the variety that human life has to offer. In between those incarnations, you live in the spirit world while you make sense of all you learned in the latest incarnation. Then, at a soul level, you plan your next adventure into physicality.

On your journey back home to the All That Is, you will always be you. Your consciousness will grow continually along the way until it eventually expands to fill all things and you will once again be back home. You will be back where you started out on your journey into experience.

Infinite Being is the original consciousness behind even the One Creator of all life. Infinite Being formed an aspect of itself which stirred from the silence into action, thereby creating the Creator of all life. Infinite Being decided to express a Creator aspect of itself so that the Creator could decide how to explore all of itself and all possibilities of itself in order to see itself from infinite viewpoints. The One Creator then decided how to manifest the universe and all that is within it.

The terminology used to describe this perfect awareness is simply, ‘Infinite Being.’ It would be less than accurate to say, for example, AN Infinite Being or even THE Infinite Being, as such expressions would suggest that there may be something outside of this one, all-present state of perfect, complete and eternal beingness.

When you become aware that you are aware, you contact the ground state of consciousness within yourself. There is nothing more balancing than to anchor your ever-moving thoughts and feelings to the ultimate state of personal peace – the unchanging, ever-aware, all-present state of Infinite Being. Because it is ever-present in all things, you only have to focus upon it in order to find that one anchor which never moves in an ever-moving world.

On our website, there is a complete how-to article called the Infinite Being Meditation. It employs the most powerful affirmation possible in the English language, namely “I Am Infinite Being.” This affirmation of the “I Am” awareness within you and your conscious alignment with the ultimate state of Infinite Being takes on an even deeper meaning when you appreciate the powerful silence of that ground state of all consciousness.

When you practice the Infinite Being Meditation, simply be aware that you are aware and you will better connect with your deepest essence. When you really become aware of that still, silent awareness within you – that state of Lucid Being – you will be in a place that few have found; but a place for which most people yearn.

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The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness

by Owen Waters

Love is the saving grace of all of humanity. We contact this primal energy in our finest moments. From the moment a baby is born, it is enshrouded in the unselfish love of its mother. From the moment a person springs into action to save others from peril, their own thoughts of survival are ‘overlighted’ by the love and caring that shines from their heart.

When a person dies and reviews their life, they see that one thing that mattered the most: Love. Pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. It is the source of compassion. It is the energy of caring for others. It is the binding force which holds together the entire universe, and it flows through you whenever you simply allow it.

Love is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. It is through activation of the spiritual heart that we pass into a whole new world of expansion and joy. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we find peace, bliss, and continual inspiration. In the realms of spiritual consciousness, we expand our view of life to see the issues that are important to the soul. We can then see how love can heal and how we can and should spend the time to spread a little more love in the world every day, even if it is simply done in silent prayer for the well-being of others.

Let your heart open to love each and every day. Start the day in meditation and prayer for the healing and well-being of others and you will invoke a beautiful flow of natural energy through yourself. It truly is a great way to start each day because it sets the tone and the energy flow for the day.

When you are attuned to the natural flow of love throughout the universe, you then feel the natural flow of energy within your own universe. Your senses of insight and timing develop to help you achieve more and to succeed easily at the tasks that are important to you.

The flow of love is critical to life. Without the love of the Divine Mother which fills the universe, nothing would exist. For centuries, humankind has been playing a game where love and inner inspiration have been blocked off and ignored. Today, in this era of The Shift, the tide is turning and people are opening up to this wonderful flow of natural energy.

Remember the love within, especially when outer circumstances seem dark. Remember that love is the gateway to the higher realms of consciousness where answers can be found to meet every challenge that life presents.

Tune into love. It will never let you down. Instead, it will set your spirit free to explore the realms of consciousness which offer greater vistas of awareness, greater peace of mind, and a sense of ever-present joy.

Owen Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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The Secret of Effortless Action

by Owen Waters

The ancient philosopher, LaoTse (“Lay-OTE-say”) gave teachings which were designed to confuse the conscious mind. The idea was that, when the conscious mind tires and gets out of the way, the seeker could discover the deeper truths within.

He is credited with the 2,500 year-old work, the Tao Te Ching, which is full of apparent contradictions or paradoxes. For example, he refers to the Tao (the “Dow”) as that which is everything and yet nothing. What he means is that the Tao – the Absolute, the Isness, or Infinite Being – is the transcendent consciousness which is behind all manifestation. It is not the active manifestation of the created universe, but the original consciousness behind it. It is that which, in silence and unchanging perfection, always was and always will be. And yet, so the paradox goes, all of manifestation came from it (via the Creator aspect that Infinite Being formed of Itself) and therefore is it. The silent consciousness of Infinite Being is the fundamental awareness that pervades all of Creation.

Similarly, he uses paradox to promote the philosophy of Wu Wei (“Woo Way”) as the way of “action without action.” Sounds impossible? That’s the point. He wanted people to give up making logical sense of the idea and, instead, go within to find the truth behind the paradox.

The principle of Wu Wei really means effortless action. The secret to achieving effortless action is to realize that there is a natural flow of influences at work in all parts of the universe. You sense the natural flow of the moment and act within that flow. If the moment is not right for a certain type of action, then the attuned person delays the task. When they sense that the right moment has arrived, then they act and easily accomplish the task.

It can also mean not forcing a situation to be what it isn’t. If a situation comes about which is beyond your control, then making the best of it is often the elegant solution.

The saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” is attributed to the 14th Century Scottish king, Robert the Bruce. According to legend, he once took refuge in a cave, where he watched a spider trying to spin a web. It failed several times to make a connection from one area of the cave’s roof to another, but each time it started all over again until it finally succeeded. People today take that saying to mean that, if something doesn’t work, you need to be obstinate and keep trying harder until you overcome all obstacles and eventually make it happen by sheer force of will.

The Wu Wei approach to life is quite the opposite. It suggests that, if at first you don’t succeed, there is a reason for it. It means that you are not acting with the natural flow of energy within that place and time and it may also mean that you need to discover a more suitable solution.

First, take a deep breath, relax and step back from the situation. After that, you’ll be able to judge it objectively and in a state of balance. Then:

A) Decide if you’re trying to force something into existence that shouldn’t be, or

B) Look for a better solution to achieve your objective, and/or

C) Wait for your innate sense of timing to feel right.

One of the benefits of the spiritual consciousness which is emerging in the New Reality is the ability to sense the natural flow of universal influences and know when the time is right for certain types of action.

*To open the way to realizing more timeless truths, see Owen Waters’ book, Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise.

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The New View of God

by Owen Waters

When I was a child in Sunday School classes, I was taught to view God as someone very personal. We were given an image of a human-like God who personally watched over each and every one of us.

That was long before the Hubble Space Telescope started to show us how incredibly huge the universe is. In the decades since, our appreciation of the size of the universe has increased enormously. Likewise, our view of the size of God has increased enormously.

Today, we realize that God, as an omnipresent being, must be at least the size of the entire universe. By current estimates, the universe contains over a hundred billion galaxies, each one containing an estimated two hundred billion suns. That means that there are countless trillions of planets, each one filled with the all-pervasive presence of that which created them. This brings us to today’s prevalent spiritual dilemma.

With God’s presence being so far-reaching, how can there be any semblance of the personal attention that we were taught to expect from a father-like God image? Today, you are left wondering whether God is, (a) personal, or (b) so large in scale as to be infinitely impersonal. Surely, one idea would exclude the other.

Or would it? A paradox is something that contains opposite statements and yet both are true. The secret to solving paradoxes is to start using the word ‘and’ instead of ‘or.’ The question is not whether God is infinitely large or personal. The question becomes, how can God be infinite in size and personal as well?

The answer lies within the Paradox of Infinite Being. The term Infinite Being is used here as the ultimate concept of God. The word Infinite, as in omnipresent. The word Being, as in omniscient awareness. Infinite Being is the perfect, unchanging consciousness behind all of Creation.

Because Infinite Being is consciousness, and nothing but consciousness, it is appropriate to note here that nothing in Creation is anything but consciousness in one form or another. Energy is simply a compressed form of consciousness set into motion. Matter is energy. Therefore matter is a form of consciousness. It can’t be any other way, because consciousness is the only tool with which Infinite Being has to work. We are a dream within the mind of the Creator. The universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being.

I remember being told in a science class at school that space must be infinite in size because there couldn’t be anything beyond the end of space; therefore, it had to go on forever. It didn’t sound right at the time, and now I know why. Space is actually finite, because it was created within Infinite Being. The created must be less than its creator in size, therefore space must be less than infinite in size. Beyond the envelope of space lies that which created it.

In order to create the universe, Infinite Being divided the ‘waters’ – its consciousness – into two aspects: Creator and Preserver. In the West, we are used to thinking of the Creator as God the Father, while the Preserver aspect is called the Holy Spirit. In the East, the names are different but the principles are exactly the same. For example, the Hindu name for the Creator aspect is Brahma, while Vishnu represents the aspect that preserves and sustains the universe. Stories of Creation from all over the world share the common thread of two complementary aspects coming together to bring light into existence.

The two aspects of Creator and Preserver were set into complementary motion in order to manifest the universe. Through the interaction of these two aspects of original consciousness, the universe was formed and, along with it, the capability for Infinite Being to view itself from an infinite number of viewpoints.

The human race today represents approximately seven billion different viewpoints of the one Source. According to the rules of the human adventure, we were born with spiritual amnesia. We have forgotten our inner connection. The challenge of the game is to discover and consciously reconnect with that to which, in reality, we are and always were connected. Self-awareness and free will are included in the rules of the game. The illusion of separateness from each other is created by an intense focus upon life in an outer, physical world, as viewed by the five senses. People are free to choose to interact with other people in the ways that they see best.

People can even choose to believe that they are separate from that ultimate Source to which they are connected. Atheism, therefore, is not a lack of belief. It’s a belief in something that isn’t so. If you have an inbuilt connection to God, yet believe that you don’t, you are expressing a belief, not a lack of one.

Mystics and Masters talk of experiencing a sense of oneness with the infinite while in deep meditation. Those who can go still deeper into the realms of consciousness report that there is more to it than just a feeling of oneness. Deep within, you aren’t so much an individual who is as one with Infinite Being. You are Infinite Being!

You are Infinite Being, observing itself through the one viewpoint that is you. You aren’t a part of Infinite Being. You are Infinite Being, acting from one specific point of view. Likewise, every sentient being is also Infinite Being, looking at itself from their own unique points of view.

The solution to the Paradox of Infinite Being is that, while we are a part of an immense universe of almost unlimited proportions, we are also Infinite Being itself. As you experience life through your eyes and ears and senses, you are Infinite Being, acting through yet another viewpoint of the infinite variety of life. Every fiber of your body is Infinite Being, every dream that you manifest is Infinite Being in action, every tear of joy that you shed in the finer experiences of life is a tear shed by Infinite Being in its form as you.

You can be closer to God than ever before when you realize that every part of your body, mind and spirit is God. Even in this strange world where we appear to be separate from everyone else, the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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The Deepest Secret on Earth

by Owen Waters

I once knew a Master of Kundalini Yoga who was a spiritual seeker of great determination. He had studied Eastern esoterica since his early years, fully mastered Kundalini Yoga, and spent countless hours in the ultimate state that anyone can reach while living in a physical body; that of cosmic consciousness.

On the lecture platform, he revealed a clarity of thought and a depth of knowledge that I always found inspirational. Like many genuine masters, he was more interested in teaching powerful truths to help people advance spiritually than in sugar-coating his words to gain popularity.

After he passed on in the late 1990s, he moved beyond the spirit realms, through the higher mental realms, and into the realms of ascended masters, where he now resides among colleagues. Then, to my surprise, ten years after his passing, he came to visit me! He must have sensed that my thoughts were focused on him and, at the same time, upon the ultimate mystery in life.

I had been remembering how he used to say that no-one on Earth had the answer to the ultimate mystery in life. No-one, he said, not even the most accomplished mystics in India, had found the answer to WHY life had begun.

The great mystery was that, if the consciousness we call God had been perfection in the first place, then why did God create the universe so that living beings could work their way back to a perfection which already existed? Why start out on a journey that will bring you back to where you already are? This was the deepest of all mysteries since time began.

He was an intrepid pioneer in searching out the answers to spiritual mysteries, so I should have known that he would see the ultimate mystery as the ultimate challenge. I learned that he had used his new location in the ascended realms as a launching pad to go far beyond; to go where no-one on Earth had gone before. And, he had returned with the answer!

I don’t know if I was the first one in the physical world that he has told the answer to, but I’m sure I won’t be the last. The days of mysteries being kept secret are fading rapidly. In the New Reality, knowledge is meant to travel far and wide, and to empower everyone who is ready. He used to say, himself, that, in these days, the secrets are out and available to everyone.

My e-book, “Discover Your Purpose in Life,” will not only show you how to discover the purpose of your inner being and your own destiny, it will take you on a voyage of inner discovery. On this journey, you will pass through the layers of what used to be unsolved mysteries. At each step, we will go deeper still, always using the question “why” to go deeper still, until we reach the final layer and discover the answer to the ultimate mystery in life.

Just imagine what it will be like to wake up every morning and know that you hold the key to the very reason for life itself. Not just to your own purpose, but the master key to the very reason for the existence of the universe!

When you gain this profound depth of understanding, imagine the sense of purpose and destiny that will be yours each and every day!

Discover your own unique purpose in life now. See how it fits in perfectly with the natural flow of the universe and even with the original reason for life itself. Your journey of discovery is waiting.

Download your personal copy of “Discover Your Purpose in Life” now, at:

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Etheric Light Energy

by Owen Waters

When we talk of sending light out into the world, we are referring to a subtle energy, empowered and conditioned by spiritual intent.

Etheric energy is life energy. It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns. More subtle than electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams toward us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

Etheric energy has been known by many other names – prana, life energy, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, universal life force, odic force, cold electricity, scalar energy, tachyon energy, radiant energy; the list goes on.

Cosmologists – scientists who study the structure of the universe – are actually on the trail of etheric energy. They have detected its presence in the cosmos through its gravitational side-effects, but they haven’t been able to see it, so they call it ‘dark energy.’ The existence of dark energy – and its related dark matter – is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23% of the universe consists of dark matter and 73% of the universe consists of dark energy.

The universe, it would seem, is filled with unseens. At least, to the limited capabilities of physical eyes. When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant – a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies – sees the same night sky very differently.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive, but it has been done before, and with breakthrough results. For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top research scientists of all time did exactly this. Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants can see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.

Carl von Reichenbach

So, for his experiments, he hired a group of skilled clairvoyants to describe to him what they could see. He cataloged the appearance and behavior of etheric energy, which he called the ‘odic force,’ around substances such as magnets, crystals, wood and metals.

Today, a cosmologist could, if they dared to be that adventurous, ask a skilled clairvoyant what they see in the clear, night sky. The clairvoyant would report that they see the etheric energies that surge through the universe. To their subtle perception, etheric energy does not appear in the least bit dark. In fact, it glows brightly with the light of its own life energy. To them, the night sky is filled with a brilliant interplay of pure and magical, etheric light.

Etheric energy is one of the three fundamental types of energy in the universe. These three energies are electric, magnetic and etheric. Electric energy operates at a right angle to magnetic energy. The third energy of Creation, etheric energy, operates at yet another right angle to the other two.

Physical matter is made from electro-magnetism, which is the interplay of electric and magnetic energies. Etheric matter is quasi-physical, i.e. solid only to the subtle senses, and it is made from ethero-magnetism, which is the interplay of etheric and magnetic energies.

Etheric energy and etheric matter are the missing components in today’s cosmology. Etheric energy is the mysterious ‘dark energy’ and etheric matter is the mysterious ‘dark matter.’ Knowing that it can be seen by the subtle senses certainly makes it a more immediate candidate for study and research.

The possibilities for research into this fledgling field are almost unlimited. For example, many of Nikola Tesla’s experiments involved a strange new form of energy that he called “cold electricity.” When his experiments are reviewed in the light that cold electricity is none other than etheric energy, then they begin to make a lot more sense.

Etheric energy is the third energy of Creation. It is not a form of electricity. Etheric energy and electric energy share the common bond of interacting with magnetic energy. They bring to life the magnetic fabric of space when they intertwine with it to invoke physical electro-magnetic energy and quasi-physical ethero-magnetic energy.

To those in the ancient healing traditions, etheric energy is the life force of acupuncture, qigong, Reiki, and other forms of life-supporting practices. To the lightworker today, it is the medium through which we can transform ourselves and heal the world using the Love and Light Technique.

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The Nature of Mother Nature

by Owen Waters

Within Creation, there are Twelve density layers of consciousness, from the subtle and divine Level 12 all the way down to the highly compressed Level 1 where subatomic particles are based.

There is a hierarchy of divine oversight within all density layers of Creation. Not to be confused with human hierarchies and their self-serving designs, the Divine Hierarchy exists to serve all life.

The Sun, for example, provides life energy to the entire solar system, never asking for anything in return.

To put the enormous scale of divine presence into perspective, as the universe was created within the mind of the Creator that means that God is larger than the entire universe!

In order to make the universe functional, three principles of consciousness were employed – expansive intention, nurturing attraction, and, to blend these synergistically together to create life energy, the principle of motion.

The twelve density layers are described in our Stairway to Heaven article, which begins with the most dense level and works its way up through the human and cosmic levels to the divine levels.

The root consciousness of planets such as Mother Earth is based in the Seventh Density layer of Creation. Considering that physical humans currently exist in the Third Density layer, she is much closer than us to the one Creator, so it was always appropriate to consider the Mother Earth as a goddess upon the scale of the evolution of consciousness.

Here in the human realm Third Density, the physical manifestations of Mother Nature are easy to see by anyone who pauses from an often frantic rush through life to appreciate such beauty.

It is by quietly looking at the appearance of a scene of nature, that our consciousness becomes engaged with the subtle and beautiful consciousness of that which supports the manifestation of all life.

You can go deeper than simple appreciation and make a conscious effort to communicate with Mother Nature and her many facets of expression.

Each tree and each flower is supported by a nature spirit or “deva.” Above a group of trees in consciousness will be an overlighting deva to which all the individual devas connect. You can send your love to the main deva. Better yet, follow that connection up with a question. They will be delighted that a human has taken the time to recognize their existence and will respond with an answer to the best of their ability.

Try to avoid sadness in such encounters, such as sadness for conditions that are damaging to the trees. Unlike humans, devas are firmly connected to the divine and are filled with a constant supply of divine joy. So, forget sadness and regrets and be prepared to enjoy the uplifting feeling that contact with nature spirits easily brings.

Author’s note

I was inspired to write this article after reading a book called The Elves of Lily Hill Farm by Penny Kelly.

Description: The Elves of Lily Hill Farm is the true story of Penny Kelly’s meeting with a group of elves and the deal she makes with them to produce one-hundred tons of grapes from a mere thirteen acres of vineyards–without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As a result of their deal, Penny inadvertently enters the private world of plants, insects, animals, devas, and nature spirits where communication among them is common but the rules are all different. As the elves teach her a series of intense and powerful lessons, an amazing drama emerges between people and nature, both struggling to survive in a world where communication between them has been lost.

Highly recommended!


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The Spiritualize Technique

by Owen Waters and Dreama Vance

Spiritualize your life and transform any challenge you face with this simple yet incredibly powerful technique!

The Spiritualize technique transforms your life into a happier, more healthful, and more inspired reality. This article explains the entire technique so that you can begin using it right away but, first, let’s examine the spiritual secrets behind this powerful technique.

You are about to be given ways of reaching higher consciousness which are so effective that, for centuries, they were suppressed and driven underground. Today, as we experience a world of rapid change and a planetary shift to higher consciousness, the secrets are out. They are available right now, without any barrier blocking your way, and they are ready to help you transform your life for the better. This is a spiritual development technique that will act as an anchor of stability and inspiration in the fast-changing 21st century.

The question is, are you ready for the transformational power of the Spiritualize technique? The one barrier that could still prevent you from gaining such spiritual growth is the one that you can erect yourself. Can you believe the truth about the enormous spiritual power that resides within you? The truth is, we ALL have that power within us.

The deeper our sciences probe into the nature of physical matter, the more apparent it becomes that everything in this world is connected to everything else. To outward appearances, we have individual identity and appear to be separate from each other but, in reality, we are connected to all matter and to all people. This is because every person is a unique facet of the same all-pervasive intelligence. You are not connected to God or the “All That Is” like an add-on module, you are God in expression because everything in existence is an expression of the mind of God. We have different viewpoints of reality but we are all representations of the One, the Divine, or the great Presence that exists within all things.

Your mind may need time to get used to the true nature of the Divinity within you, but that alone is no barrier to success. Practice the Spiritualize technique regardless of any temporary doubt you may harbor. Just do it regardless. Let it work for you and you will experience its transformative power. As that happens, any doubt will evaporate in the light of experience and you will have the most powerful tool ever for transforming your life into a happier, more healthful, and more inspired reality.

When you enter a sufficiently higher state of consciousness, life’s challenges become transformed.

Problem situations can become solved through the correct practice of this technique in one of two ways: Either by being energetically healed and transformed or by an inspired solution becoming apparent.

The primary purpose of the Spiritualize technique is to give you a way to anchor your mind to the reality within at any time of the day. By attuning with your Divine connection, you rise above the turmoil and illusion of events in the outside world. True reality is within the higher part of you. The more you connect with your higher consciousness, the more inspired and successful your life becomes. The main purpose of human life is spiritual growth. This is how you can make your spiritual growth happen each and every day.

Principles of the Spiritualize Technique

1) You are one with God. You are an individualized aspect of the consciousness of the Creator charged with the mission of experiencing life from one unique point of view. By consciously aligning yourself with the Divine Presence behind all things, you invoke its transformative power.

2) The universe is completely benevolent. God is good. Any appearance of evil in this world is caused by a lack of spiritual light, just as shadow or coldness is caused by a lack of physical light. All beings are inherently drawn to finding their inner light and everyone succeeds in this, their primary motivation, sooner or later. By consciously realizing the goodness of God, we open our eyes and see the light. The appearance of any darkness then disappears.

3) Action creates results. Transformation occurs when you raise your consciousness sufficiently. When you elevate yourself into a state of higher consciousness through this technique, your situation becomes transformed by the goodness and harmony of God’s universal energies. The key point to realize is that the responsibility for action begins with you as the physical anchor within any situation. When you align yourself sufficiently with the presence of God and the benevolent nature of all Creation, all things in your life can transform and become healed. It is the realization of your oneness with the Divine and the realization of the goodness of God that acts as a transformative power within your reality.

The Spiritualize Technique –
Quick, Simple, Powerful

The Spiritualize technique contains powerful principles which help you to connect easily and quickly with the transformative power of the Divine Presence. Once you are thoroughly familiar with the technique and have used it many times, you will find it becomes a part of you.

First, detach from any thoughts of problems that need attention. Your higher consciousness is fully aware of all of your situation. Any conscious attachment to needs will hold your mind down in the physical world, so detach completely from all concerns for the duration of this practice.

Focus on your breathing while your body relaxes and your mind settles into a reflective state. Then, take three heart-breaths as follows: On each inbreath, visualize spiritual energy as an intense white light coming from the Sun, all the way through space and then filling your brain. On each outbreath, transfer that energy down the spine to the level of the heart, then send it out the front of your body into your heart chakra, which is a vortex of energy located approximately four inches (ten centimeters) in front of the breastbone.

Your heart chakra is the gateway to spiritual consciousness. You connect to the God space through your heart space.

Then, silently make these declarations:

I am in God.
God is in me.
God and I are one.

Note: This is the use of the word “God” in its deepest sense. It refers to Infinite Being, the awareness behind the conscious universe. If you would prefer another term to God, the possibilities include the Universe, Source, Brahman, Tao, and the Absolute.

For a moment, think about these statements and what the realization of Oneness means to you. Feel the closeness of the Presence of God with every breath you take and every beat of your heart. Feel the Presence right there with you as a living reality. Continue to focus on the breath in order to reach the necessary state of peace and deep relaxation. Notice how the breath brings a state of peace and serenity. Once you have reached this peaceful state, you no longer focus on the breath. Stop thinking and listen.

Adopt a state of attentive silence. Be receptive to the still, silent voice of inner awareness. It is important to be mentally still and allow the sense of the Divine Presence. Once you start actively thinking again, the experience is over. Mental chatter stops the process, so be attentive and adopt a state of expectancy. The secret is in the stillness.

At first, you may not hear anything, but you will experience, if only through a deep breath or inner sigh, the Presence. It is the moment of connection that is important. Then you have completed the purpose of that session.

You may receive information and insights during the process or they may come later. As you practice, you develop your ability to “hear”. Some people receive impressions as mental pictures, some hear them as mental words, but most people simply receive ideas as a sudden arrival of understanding. The wisdom from your soul will be able to reach you either at this moment or at a later time while your attention is diverted elsewhere. Be especially attentive in the next few hours for any subtle idea that arises more than once. It is the repetitive occurrence of such thoughts into your conscious mind that alert you to the realization that you are receiving a suggestion worthy of immediate consideration.

When you feel the peace of the Presence, you have opened yourself to God as Infinite Intelligence. This Infinite Intelligence knows your every need and, by realizing this, you have opened the doors for that realization to express Itself.

The Spiritualize technique fits into any busy schedule. Practice it at the start of every day in order to prompt intuitive support for the day ahead. Use it several times a day whenever you need inner guidance or whenever an existing problem jumps into your mind. It takes just one to five minutes.

Throughout your day, you will be turning within and aligning with the truth of your being. Several times on a daily basis, you will be connecting with a higher level of consciousness, spiritualizing all aspects of your life. By using it throughout your day, you begin to train yourself to focus on Reality rather than illusion. This opens up the resources of your inner world so that your outer world will reflect this higher understanding and wisdom.

The Essential Steps of the Spiritualize Technique

1. Focus inward. You must turn your attention within as God is within you. Nothing is ‘out there’ except the illusion of matter and your outward performance in the theater of life.

2. Breathe into your heart chakra. Heart-centered consciousness is the gateway to God. If you use your intellect only, you will be unable to proceed to step 3.

3. Connect with God. Leave behind all your cares and the issues of the day. Focus your thoughts only upon God. Then stop thinking, be still, and listen. This will have a transformative effect upon your situation and your life.

Take the 30-Day Challenge!
Practice the Spiritualize technique for 30 days.
Keep a log of how your life improves
and problems evaporate.

Spiritualize your life and share
this uplifting technique with others…

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

by Owen Waters

The Age of Aquarius will last for 2,160 years, so it takes several years for its influence to swing into full effect and become obvious in world affairs.

However, the main trigger for the emergence of this new age – the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees of Aquarius – happened on December 21st, 2020.

Previous cosmic eras were triggered by the same zero-degrees conjunction of these powerful planets, each time creating a new phase of growth in human evolution. Previous ages include the dawn of the Age of Aries in 2,330 BC and the dawn of the Age of Pisces in 126 BC.

The New Age of Aquarius is about peace, spiritual joy, harmony, humanity, equality, spiritual liberation, and the freedom to pursue your God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

In recent decades, we have seen glimpses of the nature of the dawning Age of Aquarius. Starting in 1967, in the rock musical Hair, the leading song proclaimed, “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” (perhaps a little prematurely) and chanted inspiring lines like,

Peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Let the sun shine in

Back in 1967, this was revolutionary thinking. It was rebellion against the status quo.

That is because the ideals of Aquarius are associated with democracy, freedom, creativity, nonconformity, humanitarianism, idealism, philanthropy, empathy, respect for people, respect for human rights, and, yes, even rebellion. The old ways of darkness cannot remain standing for long when such a new light emerges upon the planet.

Closer to the actual dawn of the new Aquarian age, spiritual evolution gained a huge boost in 2012 when the December 21st solstice opened the gateway to a whole new era of possibilities. The 2012 gateway marked the closure of many cosmic cycles and the restart of those same cycles in a new and constructive mode, making positive actions much easier to achieve.

Everyone who treated the 2012 winter solstice as a gateway to a bright and hopeful new era helped make the world a better place. Prior to the 2012 gateway, global nuclear devastation had still remained a possibility in our future. Inspired, positive people handled that critical juncture in their own unique ways at a time when the fate of the world lay in the balance. As a result of their efforts, the collective mind of humanity shifted to a new reality where the nuclear option completely ceased to exist!

More recently, at the December 21st solstice of 2020, the Age of Aquarius gained a huge boost. And that’s not all. Other major astrological aspects at that time also marked the start of new cycles of Aquarian-style influence, not just in its 2,160-year cosmic age, but also in 200-year, 500-year, and 800-year cycles!


Other Relevant Cycles are also at Work

Democracy is a vital component of the Age of Aquarius and it got started 800 years ago. In those days, a king had ultimate power and he could do just as he pleased with regard to no one. Magna Carta changed all that.

A king of England…
not King John. 🙂

It was a charter of liberties which forced King John of England to agree to new rights for the population that would place him – the ruler – underneath a new rule of Law. With the king forced to give up many of his oppressive actions, the populace gained new rights which would become the basis for the future of English common law and freedom from oppression.

Today, there is also a repeat of the astrological conjunction that triggered another huge wave of change 500 years ago. This one shows just how huge a change can emerge from small beginnings. At the time, Martin Luther was incensed with Church corruption, such as the selling of indulgences (paying money for the forgiveness of sins), and he began hammering copies of his essays of protest to church doors. He demanded reform, risking his life and liberty in the face of enormous established power. Instead of simple reform, what emerged was far more wide-ranging. The Protestant Revolution sprang into life. It was the birth of whole new branches of Christianity where loving communion with the Prince of Peace became a revival movement that took precedent over the old habit of Sunday sermons berating entire congregations as sinners.

The start of a more recent cycle 200 years ago prepared the way for today’s big change. Discoveries in electricity heralded an era of scientific development leading to rapid developments in industry, then homes, and later in today’s people-empowering computers and Internet.

The recent gateway of change in 2020 was one of massive astrological significance. Powerful aspects aligned, marking the development of major, long-term cycles of Aquarian influence.

This will eventually bring about a huge reset in world affairs, but first…

A Word of Caution

People sometimes expect changes to happen now or, at the latest, tomorrow… the kind of people you could almost imagine praying, “Please, God, grant me patience… and hurry it up!”

With grand cosmic cycles, the timescale for change is years, not hours. For example, many people expected the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 to cause a huge positive change in world affairs. When no changes emerged in the next few days, many became disillusioned.

Had they allowed for a longer time frame, they would have felt much better because, two years later, the Berlin Wall was turned into rubble and, two years after that, the Soviet Union collapsed. This ended the Cold War which had haunted the world for decades with the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation. A greater peace emerged, just as originally anticipated, but with its own time schedule.

So, you might wonder, when will the recent powerful astrological influence become noticeable? Big changes take time, but the stars do guarantee their eventual emergence. Its timescale falls into the period 2020-2032, and probably around the middle of that period. So, the obvious changes for the better may not become apparent until 2026, give or take two years.

How You Can Help the World

You can be a part of this emergence into a new and higher level of consciousness for humanity. Engaging in meditation along with intentions for a better world make an enormous difference.

These powerfully influential planets came together just as they entered Aquarius for the first time in centuries to initiate a powerful new phase of growth in human evolution.

Take 20 minutes – or much longer if you can – to engage in meditation – your own preferred technique or our Infinite Being meditation – and add your visualizations for a better world.

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